Salmon Trivia



How many Continent's now have runs of salmon?

Who invented "mootching"?

How many species of Pacific salmon inhabit Russia?

What is the unofficial world record non-sport caught chinook salmon (trap caught) and from where?
Know about the 126(which is the unofficail world record) from Alaska, but... the last year I was out commercail fishin I heard of a 145 that was siened in Alaska (bout 6-7 years ago) Could be a fish tale?

Btw.... great forum.... salt in viens [}:)]
1. All but Africa

2. The Japanese

3. All five

4. Though a 128lb King was reported caught in the Skeena, the 126lb King caught in a trap in AK in 1939 is the largest recorded.

masu salmon i think is the cherry salmon but in japan. They are black and orange when they spawn i think?

and that taimen sure is weird to see, thanks tubber