Salmon Landing nets


I am looking a buying a salmon landing net...can anyone sugest a size to buy? I live in Alberta, but have just taken up BC fishing in the last couple of years, and have been using other peoples gear..I have totoaly bought everything known to man this winter, however have held off on buying a net for salmon fishing...Thanks...Kris
buy the biggest one they have, then when you land that 45 lb spring, you can email me and show me the pic!:D
Make sure it is a knotless net, removes less scales on the fish you net, leaving them in better shape should you release them.

If you realy want to treat the salmon that you are going to release go with a rubber net they work great take no scales off the fish.
really wolf? I see knots all over that net - knots knock scales off do they not?

I think knotless is better and rubber is best - but where do you get a rubber replacement bag big enough?
You would have to look at it in person to see what it really looks like I hardly get scales coming off in the net and I have netted a few fish in it;);) but it is ultimatly someones right to what they want he asked and I gave him MY net I use.

who nets a fish they aren't going to keep any ways I know I don't, just pop the hook with the gaff at the side of the boat and ya I'd buy the biggest net I can find
look for a Gibbs GN1048, GN1050 or Sea King SK4008 or SK5000. All good nets stocked by most tackle stores in BC and large enough to net most salmon you will catch. If it's a catch n release net you want, Gibbs make 2 nice ones powder coated black. Look for a sstock number of GCR-48B or GCR-50B. They are more money than the first nets mentioned due to the cnr bag.
"who nets a fish they aren't going to keep any ways"

good point, but sometimes it nice to grab a quick pick with a big fish before you let 'er go.

I remember being an idiot and having a 24 by 24 inch net back in the day. First 20lber was a gong show landing and i lost a few because of it. Forget the model i have now its got a 6 foot handle that can fold and a massive i think 54 inch width.
You really need two nets, a smaller one that you can use with one hand when you are fishing alone and a big long handled one for the social events.
I find the bigger net easier to use when fishing solo after losing a 15+ by myself last summer I went to the biggest net I could find I think it's easier to use, less margin for error. I still have my smaller knotless catch and release net at home but I can't ever see using it in the ocean again. it's all about being ready for that 70 pounder
You guys should try tailing a 40 plus, forget the net! And you should only be netting fish you intend to keep. Once a fish loses its slime or scales it is open to infection. Keep a fish in the water or tail it and take a quick pic. Also if it is bleeding it should also be bonked no matter the size.
Steeliehead...Can you elaborate..."if it's bleeding you should bonk it no matter what the size" This seems controversial. If you can't keep an undersized fish wouldn't a bleeding fish have a better survival rate than a bonked fish sinking to the bottom? Are you trying to be merciful perhaps? Personally it kills me to return a fish that you know will die instead of keeping it as part of your quota but what can you do? This happens rarely if you are careful and know how to land (and identify) fish...but it still happens on occasion. Any thoughts?
Steeliehead's bang on. I'm sure he means if its legal and bleeding you keep it.
Don't net it if you're not gonna kill it.
Good net = big hoop and long handle.
has anyone tried the folding style nets. I would like to be able to get the damn things out of the way....:D