
We use muriatic acid to etch the galvanizing on sheet metal so that paint will adhere to it better.Even though it diluted when you buy it, we normally mix 10 parts water to one part acid, then paint it on with a brush and rinse off with water in a couple minutes or so. If you have to solder galvanized sheet metal, it must also be etched with muriatic acid so the solder will adhere to the metal better.Take it from someone who has used a lot of it, the fumes are very toxic especially when hit with a soldering iron.
If you pour some in a dish and hold the back of your hand about 6 inches above it, in a minute or two you will start to feel tingling and even slight burning sensation just from the fumes rising off it. Be careful around this crap , wear protection and only used in a well ventilated area. I would recommend the jelled variety if you can find it as the fumes are a lot less active from it and it would be a lot easier to apply.
As to Muriatic and hydrochloric being the same, I bought a gallon of it the other day from record chemical and on the french side it said "hydrochloric" ?