Puntledge river

so wheres your proof wise guy
oh hey Parker im going fishing why dont ya come down and take some pics
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What d you want me to take pictures of you snagging? ive fished right next to you and seen it first hand. Dont act like we havent met. **** you are unreal

no you havent nice try id rember an butt like you so come onn down lets go fishing
got an interesting tidbit from 1995 out in burnslake provincial court with your name on it :)
Sweet man. I was 15 in 1995 And burns lake although I don't know where that is, is no where near where I grew up.. Hahahahahah. Holy cow you are a douchebag! Google tell you anything else? What planet are you from?
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[VpFITa9eYoQ] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpFITa9eYoQ
Reaper most people don't like the bottom bouncing approach to fishing salmon on island flows. I think that is why it frustrates so many people when you post about it. Haha as for the last two pages.... Carry on
oh come on Parker dont hide it wasnt google that told me so either but good thoughts
oh so lets just get this crap outta the way k maybe itll shut you up once and for all
now the guys that i do fish with 1 is an undercover cop the second works regular patrols and last but not least one i fish with alot his brother is DFO
so i would suggest unless you can prove the crap your spewing to just drop it and go bother some one else
so if i was doing what you have suggested hrmm seems to me i woulda been busted dont ya think
right you dont think you spread lies

Kelly i dont always bottom bounce i do use floats as well and have the same sucess with either i just happen to enjoy fighting a fish without a float at the end of my line
my post dont indicate if i am bottom bouncing or float fishing mr parker just assumes whatever he feels like with out having any hard proof to the fact
i dont recall posting anything over here about what i use or how i was fishing

Hey retard im 30. making me 15 in 1995. I guess you missed the math part of your education as well. I also moved to BC in 2008. Keep grasping at straws. You have some real problems that require real help.

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WOW that the best you can do
Yup, thats all i got, sorry man, you are better then me in so many ways. Snagging and making up random **** being some of your best.
must be cause anytime eny one give that **** right back to you you deflect it elsewhere
makes me wonder what all you have to hide
the only problem i see around here is someone that keeps running there mouth
you still have yet to prove anything you spew
Well come on PUT or shut the F*ck up i want the proof ?????????????
keep you idiot pics for yourself
BOTTOM BOUNCING the puntledge river with its size and depth is...... SNAGGING/FLOSSING IMO. especially when the run is in full swing. How could you possible not get a hook up bouncing a hook around hundrends of fish!!!!???? You may aswell cast a spoon with the biggest treble hook and reell as fast as you can. Not kiddin anyone but yourself..... I wish you good fishin with the float setup. cheers
Well i am off to a halloween party. Reaper good luck with your life. As you have much bigger problems then just being a snagger as this thread has showed.


see there we go deflecting and no PROOF whatso ever
you shouldnt spew **** you cant prove as it can get you into alot of trouble
harassment slander dunno man
seems you need the help cause you can not provide the proof and you just cant shut up about it