Possession limits

Interesting comment from someone who makes his living exploiting the resource. However, I don't see a lot of greed being exhibited here. Rather I see a bunch of folks looking to understand the transporting of fish regs and questioning the rationale behind the "counter reset" when the fish hits the home freezer. I think Casper has hit the mark on the issue with his post. I spend at least a month at Alder Bay with my boat and fifth wheel. I have a freezer in the fifth wheel. If I catch my two day limit in the first week of my trip, I have to move the fish from the freezer in my 5th wheel to the freezer in my house before I can fish again. If I forget about Alder Bay and simply fish my local waters, I can put the fish I catch in my home freezer and keep right on fishing with no worries about a 2 day possession limit. I'm having a whole lot of trouble figuring out the rationale here. Greed has nothing to do with any of this.
Too keep from filling the mobile freezer full. Makes a lot of sense...:p
Reasonable annual limits, monthly limits, zone limits, modified possession limits (don't necessarily have to be tied to a set # of daily limits, could simply be X # of a given species), etc - lots of available tools.

Ziggy, you use the example of Interior lakes but your argument about over harvesting in that context isn't strong as each lake has different regs to ensure this doesn't happen, regardless of possession limits. Most of the quality waters are 100% catch and release, while others have very limited daily harvest allowed - i.e. not somewhere someone is going to camp out and fill freezer after freezer if just one fish per day can be harvested. Lakes with larger daily limits typically are nutrient limited and thus have smaller trout competing for limited groceries so harvest is encouraged.

Back to the saltwater issue, a monthly limit would still allow the local angler to access plenty of fish over the course of the fishing season, as would limits by fishing zone (whether monthly or annual). Such approaches wouldn't curb the sport side of it, which I think everyone agrees on should be open and the main focus for all rec anglers, while approaching more equitable sharing of the total harvest between all anglers accessing any particular fishery.

Counter argument, of course, is that we're already over regulated and they're damn confusing to boot - which is a very valid argument. Having said that, pretty clear from this thread travelling anglers who invest a lot of $'s into the rec fishing economy definitely feel an unfair disparity exists in the current possession regs between local and travelling anglers - so worth sussing out.

My analogy regarding lakes may have been misleading. I realize many lakes have many additional restrictions which is why I used the example of those where you could keep two days catch. Clearly a situation where it is catch and release is irrelevant as it would be if halibut and salmon were catch and release. My point was if as some suggest possession limits were raised on the coast it would result in more fish being caught. If interior lakes were to raise possession limits to make it worthwhile for visitors I feel the lakes may be overfished. You make god points regarding all the different restrictions on lakes. One almost needs a lawyer to fish some of them. I understand that they are restrictive, as a means of conservation , yet most fishers accept them and take their one fish or practise catch and release. My point was that we are fortunate to have so few regs. I could be wrong, or simply travel in the wrong crowds, but i've never heard anyone complain about possession limits when visiting the lakes. I guess maybe using lake fishing caused confusion, my point was that if all the visitors could keep more fish, it would adversely affect the stock and as such cause more restrictions ,some of which you mentioned were in effect in some lakes now. Bad analogy I guess.
This thread has me thinking. First now that our hali season has been restored to its full length I feel the next item to attack is getting back to 3 possession. 1 per day but 3 possession. 1 over, 2 under. Not enough TAC to consider more then that at this point.

That doesn't benefit me since I halibut fish from home but I do feel for guys who make an annual trip they should be able to keep a third fish if fishing three days.

Secondly when I've got a friend with me the fish always go on their license first assuming they have ample room. We usually split the catch back on the dock unless I'm already fully stocked. I suppose I could get in trouble if I got checked on my way home with half a halibut and no gift letter? Does anyone take action to avoid that or just don't worry about it?

Another issue I haven't solved is how to clean crabs at the dock and legally transport them home. I hate cleaning crabs at home - what a mess!
Why do we all put up with the Fisheries B.S ?????? We pay there pay checks !!!! & get screwed over !!!!!! I have second residents on west coast but get screwed over by there regulation's !
I Take 3 week's off & can only keep 2 day limit ????????????? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFk !!!!!!!! Why not just allow a limit of every fish & getter done ????
Im a meat fisherman first ! Then I sport fish ! DOF Kill's more fish then they save from what I have seen off shore & caught & realeased hoping the fish live's !
Makes me sick some of these stupid rules !! What's Next ???? Fine for Texting or Talking on your Phone in your boat While fishing ???? Remember They are alway's watching & Listening ! & We paid for it !!
How do us Suckers fight back ???
P.S Anyone seen the 2 newest boats ??????????? Think there cop boat ?? for Fraser river ? 3 Yamaha'S on the back of the one 30' Zodiac ! Mean Machines !!! Beware ilegal netters is all I can say from what I passed in Delta !!!!

Maybe just stay home bud, if you can't enjoy yourself without filling the freezer then stay home and fish walley or jack fish.
We usually split the catch back on the dock unless I'm already fully stocked. I suppose I could get in trouble if I got checked on my way home with half a halibut and no gift letter? Does anyone take action to avoid that or just don't worry about it?

If you want to stay within the law, cut the fish up when you get home.
also , I have been told by DFO not to clean crabs at the ramp even after they checked,
unless you retain the back shell to show what size it was.
We are usually going seperate ways from the dock so cutting the fish up at home doesn't always work plus the reason I clean fish (and crabs) at the dock is I hate the mess in the backyard and the swarm of bee's it attracts in the summer.

Keeping the crab shells could work but then if your garbage isn't getting picked up for 2 weeks - YUCK.
If you want to stay within the law, cut the fish up when you get home.
also , I have been told by DFO not to clean crabs at the ramp even after they checked,
unless you retain the back shell to show what size it was.


Transporting Crab

When transporting a recreationally-caught crab, the carapace (shell) must remain attached to the body of the crab until consumed or it arrives at a person's ordinary residence. It is prohibited to have shelled or shucked crab in your possession, except at your ordinary residence.
Yup, gets pretty smelly real quick.
Sometimes I'll take the carcass back to the ramp or,
If you happen to have Chinese friends, they usually like the Hali racks.

Transporting Crab

When transporting a recreationally-caught crab, the carapace (shell) must remain attached to the body of the crab until consumed or it arrives at a person's ordinary residence. It is prohibited to have shelled or shucked crab in your possession, except at your ordinary residence.

What a crock, I've taken cleaned cooked crabs to dinner parties before....still waiting to get busted in transit :p
Got pulled over while driving (towing boat) on the way home from Peder Bay years ago.
Had a hatch coho which I had gutted but left whole so you could measure and see that it was clipped.
Had a few crab that I had cleaned and kept shells for. Got my PP slapped and a written warning for that.

Now if I clean at home, I bag all the carcasses and throw in the freezer till garbage day or next trip to the dock.
If I clean at dock I fillet with tail on where appropriate and gut and keep whole if necessary for proof.
Hate the new hali rules though because it is a pain in the butt to keep proof of size.

ransporting Crab

When transporting a recreationally-caught crab, the carapace (shell) must remain attached to the body of the crab until consumed or it arrives at a person's ordinary residence. It is prohibited to have shelled or shucked crab in your possession, except at your ordinary residence.

I dont know why people still think its ok to clean and figure they dont deserve a fine if caught??

I ALMOST learnt the hard way on this as I too cleaned it for clients staying and the MARINA.......you could see their camping unit from the dock fisheries watched them cook them before they left and gave me SHIAT for cleaning them and warned me ....
Last year they pinched some people in sooke for this very thing and its on all the notices on the docks.

Sort of like doing 80 km in a 50 km zone and saying you didnt see the road signs and we know what happens then dont we!!!!! YOU GET FINED...

please just dont do it take em home I know its a pain in the arse but side on the error of NOT getting fined, throw it in a bag in the freezer and take it to the ocean the next time out really not a big deal.....

And its not a crock...Scott we want to all have LEGAL sized crab to take home dont have to mention any race here but we all know how takes undersized and females without batting an eye......

Good luck Wolf
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Well... Since I asked the question to start this thread, I thought it might be time to speak up again before the electronic fist a cuffs come out... Obviously there's a lot of misunderstanding on how the actual rules work in terms of possession but the bottom line is that you need the fish back to your original destination before you can fish again, either by shipping or by someone transporting them with a letter. I thought there was some good comments on this thread and some not so good, I tend to agree with some of Braggs comments as well as a few others, not all but some...
Yes its pretty easy for a local to say "isn't 8 salmon enough and your limit of bottom fish" well if that's the case why don't you stop fishing because I can bet most of the locals are out there every weekend as well as during the night when you can squeeze it in getting your "limit" and if I open one of your guys freezer I bet there's a lot more the 8 salmon and some bottom fish in there. In other words don't tell other people what's enough fish when you know nothing about them, as long as you stay within the rules and obey your annual limit and treat the water as its your own no one should say anything.
I've been on many guided fishing trips in both Ukee and Tofino and some with the people on this form, do they all play by the rules.... I'm not going to answer that but you already know the answer. All I say is respect other opinions and don't bash them
All I was asking at the beginning was what can be done in a 7 day trip when you reach your possession limit in 3 days, I got my answer, thank you.
I have cleaned up this thread and this is getting tiresome. Make your comments without name calling, generalizing or stereotyping. The added digs do nothing to enhance the conversation and turn these things into a pissing contest that ruins the thread. Thankfully fishing season is just around the corner.

I consider myself a fairly intelligent individual, but at times I'm confused by the regs. This thread is making me feel a bit better about my self.I feel the ENTIRE format and layout of the tidal ( and non-tidal regs... Don't get me started on hunting regs) needs to be overhauled. Make it a little simpler to read. Dumb it down a bit. One only needs to look at the " interpretations " sfbc members are coming up with, and we are the resident experts, so to speak.

Imagine an Albertan or Washington State resident. He comes into C.R. For example, stops at river sportsman, gets his license and a copy of the regs, and then heads to Gold River. Helpful staff hands him a nice printout of the coho and chinook boundaries and retention limits in "said" boundaries. He then pulls over to the side of the road and has a nervous breakdown trying to figure it all out. Just sayin.
Our WA regs are also fairly complicated but we don't have the additional packaging complications. As I see it the packaging rules are a way to extend enforcement well beyond the water and the docks. In WA, the enforcement is pretty much restricted to on the water and at the docks with the possible exception of possession limits which can be tough (but not impossible) to enforce once the fish are filleted. I think the logic is that if the game wardens didn't catch you on the water or upon your return to the dock, there is diminishing return in trying to enforce the regs well off the water. IMHO, the problem is really a lack of enough enforcement on the water or at the docks. My guess is that the fraction of violations caught away from the dock or water is fairly small but I don't know that for sure. In my mind, the question is "Does the hassle to all those who abide by law, outweigh the benefit gained by catching violators off the water?". I don't claim to know the answer to that question for BC, but I can tell you, I really enjoy being able to fillet and package my salmon within a short period of hitting the dock. I think it makes for a far better product in the end. I also feel there is benefit to being able to package the fish into 1 or 2 person servings and freezing immediately. Being forced to package in large portions to meet the law means that I either must repackage at home (wasting packaging materials most of which are not recyclable) OR leaving the fish in large portions (which may result in wastage in my two person home). I personally find the BC packaging rules overly restrictive but I obey them to the T when I fish BC waters.
I feel the same way, Seadna. The rules around packaging up here are overly restrictive. I fish by the rules and then package and freeze my catch for final consumption - in lots designed for two people. Then hope like hell I don't get caught in a DFO roadblock on my way home. I don't very often carry my frozen catch in the same vehicle that is towing my boat so am less likely to get stopped. Frankly, with it's dwindling manpower resources, DFO would be way better off spending more time at the "hotspot" cleaning stations than at highway roadblocks anyway.
X3 on the above.

DFO should be on the water and at the docks beyond that they should reasonably assume somebody with 4 cleaned good size crab was playing by the rules. It's not too difficult to piece a fish cut up into eating portions back together to determine how many and the aproximate size. Their regulations are set up for the few that cheat. I'd be ok with the same regs if you clean your fish on the water but once at the dock we should be able to package as we see fit.
sport fishing

I agree with Fishtofino, gifting, processing, trying to find loopholes is endless, take what is appropriate and legal in the spirit of the regs or better yet, release some legal fish and just have some fun fishing.

This is the smartest comment in this thread so far. well said BGM.
Remember , most sport fishing in the world is catch and release.
fish , drink some beers and be happy.:D
too many guys focused on getting what's legally theirs, "its my limit and I'll take all of it", instead of just taking what they need.

DFO are f*cking morons, do you really trust them to put sustainable limits on everything?

Ya I can go out a rock pile every day and catch my 1 rock fish, its my legal right(when open). But that doesn't mean its ethical to pound the **** out of one area day afte day.

For the Fish hogs on here, try releasing a big fish and see how it feels. The feeling of letting a 20lb+ spring go to swim, is much better then feeling of putting it on the BBQ.
too many guys focused on getting what's legally theirs, "its my limit and I'll take all of it", instead of just taking what they need.

DFO are f*cking morons, do you really trust them to put sustainable limits on everything?

Ya I can go out a rock pile every day and catch my 1 rock fish, its my legal right(when open). But that doesn't mean its ethical to pound the **** out of one area day afte day.

For the Fish hogs on here, try releasing a big fish and see how it feels. The feeling of letting a 20lb+ spring go to swim, is much better then feeling of putting it on the BBQ.
Agreed. Stop the crying. Its there for good reason. Live wth it.