Port Renfrew Reports -- Spring and Summer 2011

fishing is outstanding, even on the beach today. offshore where i spend my days is sorry can't find a word for the type of fishing but the best you can get for sure. drop the riggers fish on... i would like the guys to keep the fish you know are going to die in regards to chinook, i find some guys are shopping and throwing smaller chinook back dead that needs to stop.

we kept two 15 pounders today that would have died, and today that was a small fish.
Thanks for the report Hourston,we are headed to the marina on thursday,hope the wind holds off. Just put the radar on and am gonna head out to the bank for my first time,Can't wait it's gonna be a bit of a learnen curve.
first trip for us to renfrew fished 4th and 5th. both offshore. springs teens to mid twenties. hali chickens and largest was 45lbs. fillets are vacuum packed as we speak. 120 lbs between pops and me.
Lastchance....I've been pondering of giving Renfrew a try [cutpluging].I've read somewhere on this forum of some place north around camper or something[a reef]maybe anchored.Not new to cut-plug just some tips maybe???? I usually fish Bamfield and I think I need a change.....WILD-WEST
Oh one more question,I plan to sleep onboard....where does one go that is close for a COLD ONE and GRUB??
Hey wildwest.......not to hijack the thread here or anything but there are always moochers out in front of Camper as well as East point at times. As far as good eats goes......there are lots of great places to grab a bite but its pretty hard not to like sitting on the deck of the pub at the Govt warf and taking in the view! :cool:
HEY ReelSlim...Good info...Gov.warf. sounds good maybe I'll look there for overnight moorage and take in a view too[the warf is close to the main part of town..yes??
Hey wildwest.......not to hijack the thread here or anything but there are always moochers out in front of Camper as well as East point at times. As far as good eats goes......there are lots of great places to grab a bite but its pretty hard not to like sitting on the deck of the pub at the Govt warf and taking in the view! :cool:

Would you like to inform me what "Govt warf" you are talking about?
Would you like to inform me what "Govt warf" you are talking about?
The only warf in the bay? That's all I've ever known it as. I know it might not operate as one now but I'm pretty sure it was originally the Govt dock.......?
HEY ReelSlim...Good info...Gov.warf. sounds good maybe I'll look there for overnight moorage and take in a view too[the warf is close to the main part of town..yes??

It sounds like my info isn't totally accurate? lol Apparently it was the Govt dock until 2001 when it was taken over by the community dock society and is manged locally. Anyways......back to the questions you have. The warf will likely be full this time of year with guide boats that operate out of there as their home base. As far as launching goes it leaves a couple of choices. You can launch in the river depending on your boat but there isn't a dock there....govt or otherwise so you have to pull your boat up on the gravel while you get in or park. Not for mr personally? The other launch is at the DRY Land Sort or Port Renfrew Marina. They have limited dock space usually but you can always phone in advance. There is a long float right next to the marina launch that is run by the local band and uses a drop box for payment. I have used this one a lot in the past because there always seems to be room there. However ......as far as going for a beer and a bite to eat you will have to drive to town for this. Not a far drive but a long walk....lol There are lots of Renfrew regulars that will have more info as well. Oh......and the road is good. It's 100 times nicer now that it is paved all the way.....
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You want to know whats going on just ask I go by what I see come into our community dock not the marina. If I wrote it I stand by it, you can have great fishing in the late afternoon and nothing the next day at all. I fully understand on where you are coming from, but those hits turn into fish in the boat it was great fishing. if you want up to date info pm me i try to check this every night.

I don't know where you are fishing at Renfrew, but I was out there Thursday, overnight and Friday fishing Camper, East Point, and Logan. We did well late on Thursday at the high tide at Camper, but there was no really strong bite...a number of boats came in with one or two fish only, and that was with three or four hits. The Bank on Thursday was probably unreachable or not safe for most boats, Friday there were some out there, but did not hear great reports.

I hope this all changed on Saturday ( today) but people who are going to drive a long way, and spend money overnighting need realistic reports.

Bananas, Miller Time, and Last Chance all give fair and accurate reports, these professional fishermen treat us amateur anglers well with hints and accurate locations to fish, it is important to keep a good relationship going both at the site and on the chat board.

Oh ya today was great on the beach... Camper
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Thanks for the personal e-mail, I did respond a few minutes ago. It turns out we were chatting in the cook shack on Wednesday morning before we all headed out. Wednesday AM saw great fishing at a number of locations, we did well at Rock Pile, but I think East Point was better first thing. Later on ( (9:00 Am to 12:00 PM) there was lots of action for just north of Camper but very shallow...15 to 20 feet when we passed through the bait. We also hit coho near Cullite...got a nice hatchery fish there.

Just for fun we went out to the 500 foot mark on Tuesday afternoon and hit two large pretty Pinks...stomaches full of crab larvae, we also lost a nice chinook after a 5 minute fight.

I have to say one of the strong sells for going to Renfrew at the Marina is the fact all the guides, including you Hourston, are willing to talk to us amateurs and tell just where to fish, what depth, etc.

We all like to catch fish and there is lots for every one. see you at the cook shack
Thanks for the personal e-mail, I did respond a few minutes ago. It turns out we were chatting in the cook shack on Wednesday morning before we all headed out. Wednesday AM saw great fishing at a number of locations, we did well at Rock Pile, but I think East Point was better first thing. Later on ( (9:00 Am to 12:00 PM) there was lots of action for just north of Camper but very shallow...15 to 20 feet when we passed through the bait. We also hit coho near Cullite...got a nice hatchery fish there.

Just for fun we went out to the 500 foot mark on Tuesday afternoon and hit two large pretty Pinks...stomaches full of crab larvae, we also lost a nice chinook after a 5 minute fight.

I have to say one of the strong sells for going to Renfrew at the Marina is the fact all the guides, including you Hourston, are willing to talk to us amateurs and tell just where to fish, what depth, etc.

Hi All
I,m heading up to Renfrew for first time Monday, I am used to fishing Nootka so all new to me. Are anchovies ok here or is it more of a herring fishery?
Hoping to head offshore as well where we normally use hardware, how far of a run is it.
thanks .