Peering Into Campbell's Future

I doubt the Lieberals will start tearing@ each other's guts quite yet-too much to lose.

Voters are generally stupid and they'll forget the latest scandals in a few months.

whatever. will anyone ever be happy with government in B.C.? Probably not.The NDP couldn't organize a screw in a bordello.

That`s the problem in B.C. politics, there is NO ONE worth voting for. Getting tired of choosen the lesser of two evils !!!
Never in my 54yrs have I loathed any politician more than Campbell.
He is duplicitous, collusive, and cares little for BC's wild-things & wild-places. He needs to be sent south to take up as Arnold's new neighbor.

There, I feel better now.

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
9% approval rating - lowest in western world ever recorded. Also recent reports indicate that small and medium size business fared better under NDP than Campbell. My God, is there nothing I can depend on?:D

Too much water, too little time
Glen Clark still tops my list.
Damn I misread the topic, I was sure it read peeing into Campbell's future. I drank all that beer for nothing.[V][V]

quote:Originally posted by r.s craven

15% cutback on personal income tax...
Hmmmm, wonder how they will get that back [}:)]

aYup, facing down a deficit (Olympics inspired?) while the entire Province's economy struggles. Cut the taxes is the last cry for help from a drowning Fool. I for one would be willing to toss him a life-ring. LEAD FILLED of course! [}:)]

Hey campbell will never win a popularity contest , but he is making all the right moves IMHO . go across the water less than 30 miles away from Victoria and our U.S. neighbours are seriously hurting. High unemployment , little or no social safety net and depressed economy. Their solution? print more currency.

I am glad I live in B.C. right now and very happy I am being governed by people who have a clue what is happening outside of our bubble.

So you think that putting Gordo in charge down south would have made a difference? LOL What pisses me off is that leaders of BC parties seem hell bent on destroying their parties before they leave office. Bill Vanderzam and the Socreds, Gordo and the Liberals and Glen Clark, Gordon Wilson, Moe Sihota and the NDP..oh I forgot the dam NDP just won't go away. We need a provincial Rhino party, at least we could have a few laughs while we get fz%cked.
quote:Originally posted by profisher

So you think that putting Gordo in charge down south would have made a difference? LOL What pisses me off is that leaders of BC parties seem hell bent on destroying their parties before they leave office. Bill Vanderzam and the Socreds, Gordo and the Liberals and Glen Clark, Gordon Wilson, Moe Sihota and the NDP..oh I forgot the dam NDP just won't go away. We need a provincial Rhino party, at least we could have a few laughs while we get fz%cked.

Hey Pro fisher ,while B.C. politics is laughable most of the time ,the rhino party kinda bugs me. I get that most people feel helpless when they vote but people die every day trying to attain what we treat as a joke , voting. Not trying to be a downer , but B.C. has faired a lot better than many places during this "recession" and I am thankful for that.

BC has faired much better than most SO FAR ..and I'm grateful for that. However to think that any BC politician is responsible for that is laughable. When the US goes down even further BC will suffer to some can we loose out biggest trading partner and not politician will be able to do anything about it. Our standard of living is more fragile than most think. Just hang on for the ride!!!
Anyone watch that Dick on TV last night?

Me neither!

Nice pic of him here - - talking about the size of his penis.

"Some could care less if there's any fish left for our kids!"
We used to have the Socreds until Bill blew them up. Hey lets give the NDP a try again. They will probably buy the 4 subs off the feds for an overinflated price and then put them on the Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen route as an underwater whale watching slash echo tour trip. Once they realize there are no viewing windows they will sell them for 10% of what they paid to the Tamils so they have better odds at arriving undetected.
quote:Originally posted by profisher

We used to have the Socreds until Bill blew them up. Hey lets give the NDP a try again. They will probably buy the 4 subs off the feds for an overinflated price and then put them on the Swartz Bay to Tsawwassen route as an underwater whale watching slash echo tour trip. Once they realize there are no viewing windows they will sell them for 10% of what they paid to the Tamils so they have better odds at arriving undetected.

Yup........... SHE might

The fiberals might be worth voting for if

Wasn't driving the boat