on off hull cleaner or other cleaners


Anyone know where to purchase this on the island? Or something similar. I bought the star brite hull cleaner but its not good enough to remove the brown crap off the hull of my boat. its been sittin on the boat for a while.

I see most of the good cleaners have some acid in them to help clean. Ill be in courtenay so something in and around there / campbell river would be nice if someone can tell me where to get a good cleaner to take off old brown crap off the hull

I use to get that fraser river orange discoloration off is bars keeper friend works awesome try walmart to get it or go on there web site 2 bucks a can can't go wrong, or you might try castro super clean
The CLR product that is in a spray bottle for household cleaning really does the job. If you spray it on and leave it, the brown gunk will start to run off. If you add a little elbow grease it's a done deal.