Old Style Glow Coyote Spoons?


Well-Known Member
Does any of you know who still has some of the old-style 4" Glow/Green Coyote spoons for sale? Not the new ones called "Ever Glow" but the older ones? Thanks.
I have a couple of Kitchen Sinks that are Everglow. What's the difference to regular glow? Just curious. eman
If you take both old and new ones in a dark room you will notice the difference right away. The new ones you will barely see in the dark, the old ones you could take as a flash light. Much better and brighter and also longer fluorescent. Only have two left!
in my experience shopping around I've found that the canadian retailers were the first to get the made in china coyote's. I still regularily buy made in USA coyote's across the border. Maybe give a call to a few tackle shops down there...maybe they aren't as rare as you think...then again, maybe they are. Worth a shot!
www.johnssportinggoods.com he even ships free to us up here
Call john I know all. Of the ones I got from him are the heavier metal and not the thin cheapie Chinese ones, and all are stamped made in USA so he must have a lot of old stock or something
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these two photos show you the difference in the old glow and the everglo.


damn having a hard time figuring out how to post photos the old way with photobucket
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