New toy

I did the gimble ring on my Bravo III. You may be better off replacing the assembly than getting one machined -- a rebuilt assembly isn't that expensive and has the benefit of a new gimble bearing.

With that colour scheme, you'll have every fisherman on the west coast dropping a load in their shorts as you'll look just like a Coast Guard / DFO vessel. If you're looking for a paint recommendation -- take a look at "Perfection" by Interlux and check out my thread earlier in the year on refinishing our old Hurston. Sand, prime and roll on 2 coats and it looks like it's been sprayed on.
Looks good nice basic design. Sounds like that Merc has LOTS of hours and that will mean LOTS of dinero!
That would also be a great pod candidate when you get sick of throwing $ at that Merc. You could get a good buck for that BB. Keep those suspension seats.
Would cost a ton, but have a look at 'starboard' for decking. Will never rot, easy to clean, never needs re-color. If I had the bucks I would do my old piggie with it.
nice ride:cool:,, put a big hold in the floor and get a pod,, coupla two fiddies:D
Thanks for the heads up on the use of TP plywood. Did google it and it looks like I need to be looking at different options. Diamond plate comes to mind...

As for podding it ... maybe when I get tired of feeding the beast @ 1.32/L. LOL

Nice ride, I think you should leave the color and paint the can, flag on the cabin, should shake up a lot of fisherman as you cruise by,, HE HE. I can hear the fuel flowing thru the pipes now.