New Cannabis laws

I don’t think anyone can argue that smoking pot is healthy for your lungs but there is zero comparison between smoking some pure MJ flower and smoking cigarettes and their laundry list of toxic and carcinogenic additives. Then there’s the extremely addictive nature of nicotine that results in a very high percentage of users smoking a pack of cancer sticks a day. Smoking a joint or pipe once or twice a week vs smoking a pack of cigs a day isn’t remotely comparable, unless you were a teen in the 80s ... cuz there’s also no doubting the risks of smoking pot on the developing brain of youngsters.


Yes your correct on that Ukee big difference between a pack a day and the odd joint no doubt about it.

I really don't have an issue even with the legalization of it, it's one of those things that it was just a matter of time.

I guess my issue and concern is why do we as a society need all these escapes from life. For me it's a social issue more than a legalization issue. I look at that picture in the one post of all those people lined up for their little bag of escapement from life,, I think that's what bothers me the most. It's a concern of where are we headed as people.

I don't know,, again, just some observations and thoughts is all.
I may be mistaken but, I think every society in the history of man, except those too far north to ferment anything or grow noxious plants, has made and used some form of “drug”, so perhaps more a case of why we haven’t changed than where are we heading? I would agree with you, for sure, with respect to opioid and other drugs high on the harm-scale, particularly as their use/addiction is almost always tied to deeper social issues (mental health, traumatic past, etc). I’m personally not too worried about adults in Canada using cannabis, legal or not.


sound like there are more people comming out of jail that make good addition servants for the athority.apply soon
"why do we as a society need all these escapes from life."

Good question. However I think it's one that goes far beyond the issue surrounding the legalization of marijuana. Alcohol is legal as is tobacco. So, for that matter, is going to Church to beg forgiveness for your sins or spending the day fishing.

I also think your use of the term "society" is a gross generalization as I don't think that most people would consider the odd social drink, a few tokes from a joint, a weekly visit to a Priest or a day on the water to be an "escape from life" but rather an engagement in something that provides some short term pleasure. There are those, on the other hand, who do use alcohol and drugs as an "escape from life" - and having helped a couple of close friends work through the issues that led them to their addictions, I have a great deal of empathy for people who look to these things as an escape.

As for me, I don't consider the odd scotch as an escape - I simply like the taste of the stuff.
Yup, solid observation bigbruce.
I'm with big Bruce and walleyes. My life is so awesome there is no way I want to be stoned or drunk (mentally altered) for any of it. This is probably great for all those who's life sucks, now they can legally dumb down and escape reality, just as the commercial on the Q states, gets you thru the day??? I would hesitate to say Mr Trudeau got this right, lets wait a few years and see the stats and outcome and the real cost to all Canadians. I am a world traveler so this could affect some who partake from travelling to some countries in the future. For those who want or need to mentally alter, go for it, just not for me thanks.

dumb down and escape reality

Completely opposite, it is supplementing my already 'awesome' life.

For many users, it isn't to 'escape' reality, it is to experience a different plane of reality or to see reality from another perspective.
Ya - and if one is "smart" - one can use marijuana sparingly and not get "dumbed down" - unlike the effects of alcohol which doesn't have the social stigma that some folks seem to feel. It does - however - take some willpower to keep lightly verses heavily stoned - and that level is much harder to determine - unlike the 0.8ml/L trigger for DUI with alcohol. And chronic users seem to handle it better.

Maybe all those reasons is why "epidemiological studies have been inconclusive regarding whether cannabis use causes an increased risk of accidents":

But -not everyone is that interested in staying very alert and prioritizing their interests. That is critical - as far as I am concerned - when driving a boat - staying alert and thinking. It's now called a "culture of safety". Accidents can happen when one is not paying attention- sometimes even when one is. Heavy cannabis use doesn't help there.

So.... why not hold off and wait until one is at anchor or tied-up if one wishes to imbibe? Or strap on a lifejacket and let someone else who is sober drive?
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Stuff is not hard to grow, just risk and reward.
Now that you can grow at home, I see the price just dropping further.
Big grow shows were prepped. Websites created. Brands developed. Guys with legal LPs expanded. The risk/reward ratio is at an all time low. Believe me, you watch the flood of illegal weed that's already started flowing. All of it right in plain site. The crack-down will take years and cost millions. This has massively expanded the black market, for now. Guys that are smart are gettin' while the gettin' is good and will cash in BIG TIME in the coming years. Then their minions will buy some more coke and continue shipping across the world and the big players will keep sleeping on their piles of cash. Nothing will change. Just another opportunity for opportunists. I'm just glad some happy go lucky stoners won't need to worry about being arrested anymore, not that they ever did in BC.

I'll just keep building houses.
I think some of your perspectives will change over time.I was a teenager in the 60's,so I "inhaled"the odd joint.As everyone else in their teen years I thought I was indestructible,bullet proof,nothing could hurt me.And then I got married and had my first son and all that changed.I was now responsible for someone other than myself and was totally paranoid about not being in full control if my family needed me.So I stopped "inhaling" (except for the odd fishing trip to Bamtown)with a group of guys, it's almost mandatory up there.:)Now that I'm in my mid 60's I don't anticipate using it again unless they have something that would ease the pain of arthritis.The weed in my day(the 60's) was so much weaker than what's out there today,I can't imagine anyone driving high now,scary.The only plus I can see with legalization is the quality will be controlled so you know what your actually buying.
I'm almost 70 and have been ingesting weed for 50+ years, off and on. I find now that I am more interested in the therapeutic value rather than getting stoned. It really helps with lots of ailments and although not a cure, it can get you past some bad times. Fer shur, no driving under the influence!
I would hope we’d all agree that operating any motorized vehicle, whether a car, boat, atv or whatever, while impaired, whether that be due to alcohol, pot, prescription meds, over the counter meds, fatigue, medical issues or any other reason is unacceptable, period.


I would hope we’d all agree that operating any motorized vehicle, whether a car, boat, atv or whatever, while impaired, whether that be due to alcohol, pot, prescription meds, over the counter meds, fatigue, medical issues or any other reason is unacceptable, period.



Don't tell that to the hoards of fishermen off sooke and renfrew - I'd wager 75% of boats have cannabis on board.
Yes your correct on that Ukee big difference between a pack a day and the odd joint no doubt about it.

I really don't have an issue even with the legalization of it, it's one of those things that it was just a matter of time.

I guess my issue and concern is why do we as a society need all these escapes from life. For me it's a social issue more than a legalization issue. I look at that picture in the one post of all those people lined up for their little bag of escapement from life,, I think that's what bothers me the most. It's a concern of where are we headed as people.

I don't know,, again, just some observations and thoughts is all.

Hey man, just because you can't handle a toke or a drink - don't project that on to the rest of the population. It's not about escaping life, it's about embracing and enjoying it. Humans have been altering their experience for 1000's of years.

Should I feel bad if smoking a joint makes a concert even better? Or helps someone better relax and enjoy nature?

Who are you to decide that people are escaping? And so what if they are? Life is very hard for some, working jobs they hate for very little money. Maybe smoking a joint and listening to some music at the end of the day is their escape.

I'm guessing your life isn't so awesome that people wish they were you. So until you've reached the mountain top, you haven't earned the right to tell other's what they should or shouldn't be doing.

Sounds like you need weed more than anybody...
Unsmoked pot pipe earns driver first $230 cannabis ticket in West Van

The Cannabis Control and Licensing Act section 81(1)(a) says "an adult must not operate a vehicle ... while the adult has personal possession of cannabis."

Cannabis in its original unopened packaging, or that is not readily accessible to the driver or any passengers, is permitted in a vehicle.
Well, a little over a month later and???? No planes falling out of the sky, no giant spike in the number of serious auto accidents and no mobs of degenerate teenagers ripped out of their minds swarming the streets. At least not in my neck of the woods.

Retailers say they can’t keep product on the shelf and producers can’t keep up to the demand. Seems like everything’s working more or less as it’s should?

Except for that Damien guy lol.
I gotta ask how the “test flight” was? Worth the cost? And how was the “product?” Everything they claimed?

Look what I just picked up at the post office.

Packaged really well, overkill maybe considering there is only 3 grams in there.
I would hope we’d all agree that operating any motorized vehicle, whether a car, boat, atv or whatever, while impaired, whether that be due to alcohol, pot, prescription meds, over the counter meds, fatigue, medical issues or any other reason is unacceptable, period.


Tell that to half the guides in Tofino and Ukee that practice the “wake and bake” ritual. LOL!