Need Fishing Guides near Campbell River


Well-Known Member
Hey there,

Just wanted to see if there are any fishing guides in the Campbell River area interested in some work either in the Summer months for salmon fishing or for steelheading in the winter.

My company, Exposure Travel, plans and guides fishing trips for small groups and we'll be bring some groups to Campbell River this winter for steelhead trips and hopefully lots this Summer for salmon fishing trips. Our trips typically start and end in Vancouver and we arrange everythings (transportation, food, accommodation, activities) for our group so they can focus on having a good time. At least one guide from my company will be on every trip to make sure all components of the trip go smoothly. Often we'll incorporate fishing into these trips so that's the reason for this post.

Here is what we are looking for:

-Knowledgable and experienced fishing guides
-Boats able to handle 2-6 people per boat
-Flexiblity: Our trips are all made to fit our clients needs so we're flexible on a day to day basis depending on what the group is up for. Sometimes we've gone fishing in the morning and then island hopping/cruising in the afternoon. We need guides who are happy with this setup.
-Gear: We'll need each guide to have all the fishing gear for our groups

If you fit this description or know guides who do please get in touch with me for more details. Thanks,

Exposure Travel - exclusive guided adventure travel in BC
Sick Fishng Videos -
Just created a company account so that I can keep work and play separate so please email/PM me through this one. Thanks guys.

PS, what's the best steelheading options out of Campbell River. We've done trips to the Gold in the past that went great but always looking for other places, guides, and accommodation. Appreciate any comments or suggestions.

Exposure Travel - BC's premier guided adventure travel company
Our fishing trip videos -
I do saltwater charters on the westcoast (Nootka Sound) during the summer. I can take bookings at any time. I have a 27' Pursuit rigged with top of the line equip. Id also be interested in doing steelhead trips in the winter, I use to guide on the Stamp, would like to do it again on a part time basis. I also have other things on the go, you should call me.923 0737, Dave Henderson.


Fill the dam tub!
Funny you should make such a posting here. There is no shortage of experienced guides in the Campbell River area who are looking for work during high season and not---and I know a few of them in that area who would be right up your alley....all you have to do is seek them out. Some good fishing in your area there. Get in touch with a few of the local associations around Campbell River and you'll probably find who you're looking for. your guides as the "best" is a pretty strong may want to revise that statement...I know there are a few on here will challenge that statement! ;)

Good luck!