Liberal Firearm Committee Announced

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The only time my dad and brother voted for a conservative government was when they promised to abolish the gun registry.

Also my engineer boss got put on the no fly list over a gun he own like 30 years ago and there was some paper work thing I guess he was suppose to do or fill out at some point and did not do.

These politicians are playing with fire
The only time my dad and brother voted for a conservative government was when they promised to abolish the gun registry.
This is also true of a lot of people in my family. Even some of the committed NDP BCGEU types voted CPC once and once kill the long gun registry.

You can't underestimate the degree to which people who believe in private firearms ownership may be committed to the concept. It's a bedrock principle for some people; myself included.
LC: My guns (2) were not the top of the line like you probably have, their time was past so it was not a financial hit.
HM: Actually current gun laws, from what I know of them, seem pretty good, imho. But you probably know them better than I.

Would preserving the status quo be acceptable?
Canada and the US do NOT currently have a gun problem, they have CRIMINAL, VIOLENCE and MENTAL health problems. No law will change the mind of a person with a gun, car, bat, knife or any weapon and who intends to do bad things. Outlawing a certain gun type in the US?? Who believes the millions of honest people will willingly turn them in? Please tell me we are not that naïve. Maybe a generation who sit in front of a TV or game and KILL hundreds of "bad guys" each time think differently after many years of this behavior? The US is a warring nation, first to strike, best military and best equipment, along with their patriotism maybe this has had an impact. I have been in many hot zones with US military pers, their thought process is nothing like ours. Most people who support the anti gun craze are not looking to help anyone, they are blinded by their agenda, they do not want, like or cannot fathom private gun ownership.

I believe and do think its been proven many times over, Canada's current gun laws are sufficient, not perfect there are lots that could be changed but working. New regs, registry's, rules that punish law abiding gun owners will NEVER work. I just wish the Liberals in power would understand and listen to the specialists, then put money to reduce the problem. = CRIMINALS Make laws that make the criminals pay severely, immediate deportation back comes to mind. Remember criminals have more rights than their victims, seams few people but me has an issue with this?

I am sad that we gave the Conservatives many years and majority Governments the opportunity to make it better, deletion of the money wasting registry was a start, after that they choose to play ostrich and bury their heads.

People in power seam to keep doing the same thing over and expecting a new result, loading a firearm committee with anti gun agenda personnel will only bring 1 outcome again. It baffles me that they are so stupid.

I keep saying we must unite as a single front, does not matter the type of firearm you have, use or want, we stand as 1. Same for fishing, fresh, tidal, sportie, guide, lodge we stand as 1. Only way to keep what I live for.

Halimark, if you want to persuade people over to your side of the debate, wouldn't you want to present lucid arguments? I'll vote for anyone. I don't hunt, or target shoot, or have a need to protect my chickens from varmints, so win me over with logic.
Not here to persuade anyone, that time has passed, reason, logic and lucid arguments are no longer reality in Canada today, only wish real facts were stated for the non gun people. Members on this site still make uninformed comments when it comes to firearms, fishing and the outdoors. Why do people think trophy hunting and penis size are related??? The recommendation to close sport fishing of salmon fishing to save the SRKW when science states there are bigger issues, these are not being addressed, Grizzly bear closure based on an opinion pole??? All smoke, mirrors and political BS. I cannot persuade anyone to see the real facts, emotions close peoples minds to reason. Outdoorspeople are not a united front, we continue to attack each other while the anti of our sports slowly win. I will enjoy the outdoors to the fullest while I still can. I predict this lifestyle will end very soon.

And the BS in the news report above screams very loud to what I stated. New BS rules. Where in Canada can you currently legally buy a firearm or ammo for that matter without validation of a permit? Background checks to include, spouses and mental health issues are in effect already when getting your permit. Repealing of the common sense rule sounds totally dumb liberal, and lets revamp the world renowned gun registry under a disguise. Making new rules will keep hand guns and "assault weapons" from criminals how? Finally lets let the already criminal RCMP decide what legal Canadians can and cannot own again based on an agenda of stopping gun ownership. Round and round our idiots go. Am I the only 1 that thinks this absolutely crazy?

And the BS in the news report above screams very loud to what I stated. New BS rules. Where in Canada can you currently legally buy a firearm or ammo for that matter without validation of a permit? Background checks to include, spouses and mental health issues are in effect already when getting your permit. Repealing of the common sense rule sounds totally dumb liberal, and lets revamp the world renowned gun registry under a disguise. Making new rules will keep hand guns and "assault weapons" from criminals how? Finally lets let the already criminal RCMP decide what legal Canadians can and cannot own again based on an agenda of stopping gun ownership. Round and round our idiots go. Am I the only 1 that thinks this absolutely crazy?

You keep talking like this and you'll soon be picked up by the social justice warriors for reprogramming ;)
I think its ironic on a day tens of thousands of american students, my 13 year old daughter among them, after having her middle school shut down over a shooter threat two weeks ago, march to try and fight the NRA and the US gun culture, a disgusting thread like this shows up on a a Canadian sport fishing (not hunting or gun nut site). The NRA are the American Taliban, willing to have untold thousands killed for their gun "rights", and the language here is eerily similar. In Canada, Australia and Western Europe gun owner ship is NOT a right misinterpreted from a constitution, but a privilege subject to restrictions, that are and should be significant in nature. I have no particular problem with certain firearms being available for bonafide uses, such as hunting with significant requirements for eligibility to own them and education on how to handle them. However to believe you are are in the majority in wanting loosened gun restrictions for uses such as "protection" , and a much less civilized society is delusional in the extreme. Few Canadians want unfettered gun ownership as in America. The future of change in the US lies with the next generation like my daughter, who are tired of schools being killing zones, and I hope canadian schools never become like US ones. As they marched for today, books not Guns! To hell with the gun nuts on this site, you are not the majority, and you will be resisted (apologies admin as you may not like that language,but as a parent affected by gun culture advocates I'll take any punishment you deem necessary)

I honestly don’t understand these types of comments.

I often wonder whether comments like this are made to virtue signal, or are they made out of pure ignorance?

You are a visitor on this site from a foreign nation. You surely must see that there is a large separation between the firearm laws in the US vs Canada, and you surely see there are some major differences in culture between the two countries.

I am a relatively new firearm owner here, I rarely hunt (if at all), but I love going to the range and honing my skills. If that’s the reason I want my guns, who are you to oppose that?!

BTW, when the big quake comes and Cancouver is without power/food/water for a week, I will sleep soundly at night knowing I have a little insurance.

Wake up man. Stop imposing your beliefs on others.
Feds to table gun control bill next week, will include measures to boost screening: sources

The Liberal platform promises included:

  • repealing changes made by the previous Conservative government around the transportation of restricted and prohibited weapons without a permit
So does this mean the current ATT would be eliminated and every time you go to the range with a hand gun you’d have to apply for permission to transport?
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The Liberal platform promises included:
  • repealing changes made by the previous Conservative government around the transportation of restricted and prohibited weapons without a permit
So does this mean the current ATT would be eliminated and ever time you go to the range with a hand gun you’d have to apply for permission to transport?

Basically the liberals will be looking at any and all means to make owning and using firearms problematic and uncomfortable as possible.
Under the existing Legislation today, your RPAL carries with it your AT&T and it is good for the duration of that RPAL.
That was brought in by the Conservatives. The permit still exists despite the lies of the libs to the contrary.
The liberals want that to go away, and make you get a paper copy.
I would expect they will push for an "every time" application rather than a five year or even annual permit.
Just they way they roll.

Tuesday appears to be the day now.
I expect to be unhappy.

From The CSSA:

Bills are posted on the notice paper one day prior. Rod Giltaca and Tracey Wilson descend upon the nations capital Monday in preparation for the bill. Expect it to be tabled Tuesday. Stay tuned for more on this. You can count on the CCFR to proactively work for you.


Basically the liberals will be looking at any and all means to make owning and using firearms problematic and uncomfortable as possible.
Under the existing Legislation today, your RPAL carries with it your AT&T and it is good for the duration of that RPAL.
That was brought in by the Conservatives. The permit still exists despite the lies of the libs to the contrary.
The liberals want that to go away, and make you get a paper copy.
I would expect they will push for an "every time" application rather than a five year or even annual permit.
Just they way they roll.

Tuesday appears to be the day now.
I expect to be unhappy.


If this change is made, it will expose the intentions of the committee.

They see law abiding Gun owners as a nuisance that need to be harassed rather than them having any intention of making the community safer from gun violence. Having said that, can anyone here actually say they worry about gun violence in BC/Canada? How is this even an issue?
Easy answer, its the Liberals. We already know the intentions of the unbiased committee....The real problem is they want the extinction of legal firearm owners, cant believe they are really that stupid that they do not know the same rules have never worked before and will not this time. Its the Liberal merry go round. Criminals and Gang bangers will be scared straight.... illegal guns will instantly increase and get more expensive.

I'm with Nog will probably be an upsetting Tuesday.

Ms. Wilson said Liberal MPs were right to be nervous about the bill.

“[If the] government puts forward more arbitrary regulations on Canada’s safest sector of the population while doing nothing on crime, I think that, yes, they’ve got to look after their interest in their ridings as well,” said Ms. Wilson. “And ridings, we know from history, are won and lost on the gun issue, many times. I think they should be worried...

And from Wendy Cukier, who speaks for the Coalition for Gun Control and advises the Liberal Firearm Committee through close friend and fellow anti-gun nut Nathalie Provost spewed the following:

However, Wendy Cukier, a spokesperson for the Coalition for Gun Control, said focusing on guns and gangs wasn’t good enough, and said the Liberals’ campaign promises around gun control were not very strong.

“They seem to be narrowly focusing in on issues related to gangs and guns, which are very important, but that’s certainly not the whole picture of the problems of firearms violence in Canada.”

Ms. Cukier said some high-powered rifles that are listed as unrestricted should be restricted, and that too many weapons classified as restricted or prohibited were being sold to the public. She framed gun control as a “gendered issue,” in part because guns are more often owned by men, and said ignoring it could backfire for the Liberal government.

All the makings of a Royal Mess...
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