kicker location

I will be installing my kicker on a fixed bracket. I have a mercruiser i/o as main power. I am hoping to use an ez steer bar to steer with my kicker. Any advice on placing the kicker bracket? Do the angles for the ez steer get better the farther apart the main and kicker are? I think you would like to put the kicker relatively closer to center than farther apart, but I don't want to put it too close and then have issues with the ez steer. Ez steer bars have to be matched to the center to center distance of the two motors and I would like to put the kicker in the "best" location first time.
Take your seating configuration into account..or where most of the weight will be when you use the boat. My Seasport has more seating on the port side so when I have a full crew there is more weight on that side. The dealer mounted my kicker on the port side as well. If I knew then what I know now I would have had them mount it on the starboard side to help offset the weight when I have a full crew.
I had planned on mounting the kicker on port side to offset the weight of the driver which will always be on starboard side. My question is how far inboard or outboard to mount the kicker. Slightly to center will also give me room to put a SS ring eye for a strap when on the trailer.
What I did was move the kicker side to side on the transom so the prop (on the kicker) got unobstructed water below the hull and was not too far to the outside. Check your inbox messages with some more information I sent you. TTYL
watch you dont go too close to center. you dont want the prop of the kicker to kiss the leg on a sharp turn. I have an I/O as well, and mine is mounted on the port side, to offset the weight.