IO Halibut Derby Early Bird Night


Well-Known Member
Island Outfitters is going to have their Early Bird Ticket Night for this year's Just fot the Halibut Derby on Tuesday, April 8th, at the 6 Mile Pub. There'll be prizes etc. I've never been to one but I hear that they are a ton of fun. They put off the announcement until they were sure that we could fish halibut for the derby. At least it's not cancelled as many salmon derbies are this year. Who's going to the pub on April 8th?
how does this annoucement affect are 19/20 ??
special amendment ??

Coast-wide Opening

The 2008 Pacific halibut fishery will open 12:00 March 8 until 12:00
November 15 in Areas 1 to 11, 21, 23 to 27, 101 to 111, 121, 123 to 127, 130,
142 and Subareas 12-14 and 20-1 to 20-3 with the exception of the closures
listed in 2008 Halibut Commercial Harvest Plan.

Fish harvesters wishing to fish in Subareas 12-1 to 12-13, 12-15 to 12-48, 19-3
to 19-5, 20-4 to 20-5, the "inside area" must request a special amendment to
their condition of licence from the Halibut Co-ordinator. Refer to the 2008
Halibut Commercial Harvest Plan for more details as additional changes to this
fishery have been made.
R.S, that is really bad timing on my part, I am going out in Area 123 for Halibut on March 9th. I guess I will be dodging all the commercial boats....YUK. Oh well S%&t happens I guess.
See you on the water[8D]
how does this annoucement affect are 19/20 ??
special amendment ??

this is for the commercial opening and has nothing to due with the recreational opening starting March 1
Further to Fishery Notice FN0044:

In order to manage within domestic halibut allocations, the following changes
will be implemented in the 2008 recreational fishery:


March 1 to 31: Daily limit of one. Possession limit of 3.
April 1 to May 31: Daily limit of one. Possession limit of 2.
June 1 to Dec 31: Daily limit of two. Possession limit of 2.

Areas 121, 23 and 123

April 1 to Dec 31:

" No person shall fish for or retain halibut, rockfish and lingcod in that
portion of Area 121 seaward of a line that begins at 48 degrees 34.000 minutes
north latitude and 125 degrees 17.386 minutes west longitude and continues
southeasterly at a bearing of 116 degrees true to a point at 48 degrees 28.327
minutes north latitude and 125 degrees 01.687 minutes west longitude. [12
nautical mile limit]

April 1/08 to March 31/09: