How do you store lures with leaders


Active Member
For lures with leaders and for Hootchies, I’m using my old river fishing foam boards… there must be a better way


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The only thing I pre-tie is my tandem hook rigs. Nicely wrapped up with a twist tie in an aluminum tin. Everything else gets tied out on the water. For me it only takes a few seconds to tie up plus I’m not a guide where I’m babysitting guests and setting gear. I may have my initial setup ready to go before leaving the dock but after that I let my current mood decide which spoon and flasher combo I want to tie up and throw down next.

Even steelhead fishing in the dead of winter I prefer to tie up on the river bank. It just feels right.
Thanks everyone
- here’s a pic
Looks to be a great day out there today, better enjoy before the rains come!


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I put them in sandwich size ziplock bags with nice big loops in the line. And throw them into a large ziplock bag then into a Tupperware container. I have four separate bags in the container anchovy teaser heads, hearing teaser heads, spoons and skirts. That store’s away nicely
I use a pool noodle with a piece of rigid plastic pipe to fit inside the hollow. Put wood screws into it so the heads stick above the noodle.
Use bead chains (or a loop if hoochies) big enough to go over screw head and wrap around.

Will take a photo to show off when I get back to the boat.
Straws, buy them in bulk before they get outlawed by the greenies.
^This^ I saved about a dozen of the MacDonalds straws when i started collecting gear for my fishing renaissance a couple of years ago and my wife found a package of jumbo straws at the dollar store that will last more than my lifetime.