Hockey Pool time


Well-Known Member
Hockey Pool time *Updated w/PW*

Teams are in.

We have 14 teams, which is pretty poor considering the number of people who comment on hockey on here....must be because there is......NO PRIZE:p

Log in is; Huntfish2011
Password; Huntfish

let me know if you have any problems


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I am back, the meat is all cut up and I have found a few hours to spare.

It will be up and running if it is not to late and if you are still interested.

See first post.

Any questions let me know.


No cost as it is deemed to be gambling if we charge, so it is just a friendly little competition.

Deadline is the 21st of Oct.


Seriously Holmes...............

I thought Ali knocked out Holmes????? or was that Homes?????

I will have it all done by tomorrow.



i will do it all and send you the particulars for signing in and all that goes with it.



i will do it all and send you the particulars for signing in and all that goes with it.




Gonna have to pay more attention to Sportsnet to see how my picks are doing. Should be fun to watch how things shape up.
well congrats pipster, you really poured it on in the last quarter of the season eh.....playoff pool anyone?.....holmes*

I may have to change my name to Hockey Genius.;)

Sitka has playoff pool info posted on HuntingBC.Ca. I'll try and find it and put the info over here.
Here's the info from HBC.

So now that the regular season is winding down and it looks like MT Boy/PIPPEN:Dfound a few lucky players and is likely to hold on for the win over..........FD....yes FD, who rode on the shirt tails of the Wings......20 points is a long way to catch up Dude.

I will be setting up the Playoff Pool to start on APRIL 11, so that means you have until 1630 on April 11 to have your teams in.

Pretty simple pool, pick 25 players, w/a minimum 4 of the 25 being defensemen.

You can pick from any of the 16 teams that will make the playoffs, some of which have already been scout your players/teams, read all the stats and select your team.

Points will be 1 for a goal and 1 for an assist for forwards and 2 and 1 for defencemen.

send your teams to and remember, you have until 1630 on April 11 to get them in.

Once I set the pool up, I will post the password and such.

Any questions, let me know.

Good luck to all


Man with a team that has 22 players left from the first round I'm not sure we have a chance.

Let's hope he has all flyers or something.