Higher spring chinook salmon counts lead to more Columbia River sport fishing dates

some of the migratory, catch data gets posted here but two years delayed. CWTs are the method that is accepted though this process. may not have the particular stocks you're looking for.

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Back to data................

Easy to find REAL data on Colimbia River returns:

Going back to the OP it looks like when Spring Chinook fish counts at the dam just above the area referenced in the OP went from 25% of 10 year average to 50% of 10 year average, fisheries bumped-up the take.

Also, the 10 year average run size is 123571, so SV unless your numbers are significant I would TEND to think that myself & ukeedreamin are correct; they TEND to migrate offshore but SOMETIMES stray.

We can keep going around in circles to both of you with your right vs wrong. You said there isn't Columbia fish in JDF close in shore or Georgia Straight. That is false. Again I am not sure why this some sort of battle on here. We keep drifting way off topic. You believe what you want to believe.

Anglers within our island do benefit regardless which was the point of post. That is why I commented.

In the end why does this matter? Sounds like returns are better...
Cleaned up all the nonsense in this thread. Not sure why there seems to be a need to head into the personal stuff, but it is done now.