Halfmoon Bay area


What's the deal with tying up to Halfmoon Bay Government Wharf ? I can't find any contact information for the harbourmaster, if there is one. Do you have to pay (sure you do, but how much, and to whom) ? I am going over from Campbell River probably Thursday night or Friday morning, depending on weather, to see some friends. Any good fishing spots that anyone knows around there would be nice to know, but if you don't want to give up any secrets, I understand.

I lived on the Sunshine Coast for a good portion of my life, but back then boats were used to get from point A to point B, with no fishing in between, and we never did tie up to the Halfmoon Bay wharf. Would I be better off mooring at Secret Cove ? I will have to get fuel there anyway, but it's a bit longer of a drive for the people I'm visiting.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.
