green party ,, your thoughts

In the high tech manufacturing/engineering high tech industry which I work on the island there is no reason why it can't grow...But our province, and the federal government keep off shoring our work. Yes I live on an island, and I went to school locally on the island to do what I do. But there is no reason why the government can't create jobs here.

It's a shame.....but let me ask you what the talent pool is like? Is the company you work for a "one of" that may be an anomally with respect to it's success? I applaud any company that can make it in the Canadian economy without having to farm offshore.
Someone also mentioned solar energy. I worked in R and D for a very successful design company locally for a very long time. What I found in industry is our federal government sides with the oil industries, and tend to block projects that would benefit the solar industry.

That would not surprise me due to the massive revenue the Feds rake in through the Oil Industry. As much as many may think in my earlier posts I am totally "anti-green" I am far from it.....I applaud the reserach into alternate sources of energy and fuels.

I see this election with two dead beat candidates of the NDP and liberals. And because people are scared they just are going to vote them in...Its actually very sad...

Amen to that......I am not a huge fan of Christy's and it pisses me off as I said earlier that people are going to vote by what they have heard in the first five minutes of the news hour over the past years.

I am going on a tangent again............but if people ACTUALLY researched the HST and the benefit to this Province they would have never listened to the old biatch who was pissed because his Country Club fees were going up. He was a wart on this province and continues to be. AND....before the masses jump down my throat......I agree it was implemented beyond poorly......but the taxation system has massive merit. Unfortunately this Gov't will increase taxes and nobody is going to say jack **** except for those of us who saw the writing on the wall and say....."OH....Dixhead and VanderScam, it's cool now?"

If you want to make a change on our island ban all raw log exports, and process them here.

Dude.....I hear ya but unfortunely there is a trickle down AND up effect from that.

Maybe the Green Party could pool their funds to buy China......then all would be good in the world?? :rolleyes:
Pippen, there is a difference in using resources recklessly or wisely/sustainably. The Lib and Con use the first method. I would hope there is somebody out there who could use the latter. Nobody said no more resource usage. It's how you use them. You can catch 100% of the fish in one season and make a huge profit, pay bonuses to all and make your province look superb. But then everyone and everything will suffer after a while for the rest of time. Or you could limit your take to say 10% every year and do this comfortably forever. You may not create instant wealth that way but you can ensure the survival of mankind and environment. See the difference?
Many people down south believe that giving up the right to own a large clip assault rifle will quickly lead to the a massive increase in crime (like it could get much worse down there) people wouldn't be safe in their own homes and everyone will be subject to enslavement by the government. The idea of 4 years of green government seems to bring out this same paranoia.
Pippen, there is a difference in using resources recklessly or wisely/sustainably. The Lib and Con use the first method. I would hope there is somebody out there who could use the latter. Nobody said no more resource usage. It's how you use them. You can catch 100% of the fish in one season and make a huge profit, pay bonuses to all and make your province look superb. But then everyone and everything will suffer after a while for the rest of time. Or you could limit your take to say 10% every year and do this comfortably forever. You may not create instant wealth that way but you can ensure the survival of mankind and environment. See the difference?

Well DOI......I see the difference. That is common sense.

Here is a challenge for apparently the original GREENY FISHING MANDATE/MISSION STATEMENT is out of the discussion now.

I GET sustainable; you are missing the point in that I DO get that....and I applaud it.....and I applaud the Green Fishing Mandate......but I also see that this province has to operate on something other than Canadian Tire Dollars or Co-Op memberships.

Explain to me where YOU find the sustainable balance......and where the NDP/Green's are going to reinforce that......bearing in mind I want reality to be involved in your summation? Understand as well....there is a HUGE trickle outward effect that this ALL has bearing on and that INCLUDES dollar's in many, many British Coumbian's pockets.
Many people down south believe that giving up the right to own a large clip assault rifle will quickly lead to the a massive increase in crime (like it could get much worse down there) people wouldn't be safe in their own homes and everyone will be subject to enslavement by the government. The idea of 4 years of green government seems to bring out this same paranoia.

Well that's a far fetched spin on things and so far from being a decent parody it's hardly even comical at best. What you did illustrate is the far right and the far left......thank you for that. I am very center.....I see the good and bad in both sides in THIS PROVINCE but as I have stated MANY, MANY a time a I am a REAILST. I get what makes the world go round.....I get the trickle down effect......I studied Commerce in University (does not really qualify me for anything..haha) and I ALSO research looking for the facts on ALL issues in an election.

THE ORIGINAL discussion point of this thread was some BS pie in the sky fisheries mandate by the greens. All hail the greens but did you actually click on any of the other hot links at the top of the page to read their other mandates/mission statements?

We have the means at the tip of our fingers to become educated voters which we didn't even have 10 years ago to the extent that we do now, let alone 15-20 years ago. I challenge you to read up on the issues, parties, candidates and form an opinion based on your research and personal beliefs INCLUDING reality so that YOU can exist as a human. Oh....and please when you're reading up, Google the source as to whose info you are reading and try to find ANYTHING close to impartial. It will make this world a better place.

People can rip me all they want with their opinions. I can sleep at night knowing that I take the time to research and form an opinion which CAN be based on emotion but also based on reality. ;)

May Poseidon bless this forum but I sure would hope people use the power of the internet to research beyond which way to put their anchvoies in a teaser head and the mix ratio of our their brine!!!
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Scotty, Fingers covered in callouses yet? Thank you for the clarity of someone who understands economics and how it really works. I have lived here all my life and it still shocks me how many people vote with their emotions and not with their brains. HST was such a CLASSIC example of that. "I don't give a damn if it will be better for the economy, the company I work for and better for me, goddamn government added 7% to my Happy meal at McDonalds so screw'em "

Research? platform evaluation? candidate reviews? Nah, I'll just watch Global and let them tell me who I should vote for, its soooo much easier. ;-)
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There is a lot of talk about not building these pipelines, I wonder where you people think all the revenue to pay for education, health care and other social spending that everyone thinks are neccessary is going to come from in the future, if not from resource based industry my guess would be massive tax increases
That's the thinking of the Alberta government. Use the oil royalties to fund everything.
How is that working? Heard they were having problems with their debts.
And for the record I spent some time in Fort Mac and working for oilsands companys.
The HST revolt was all about the outright lie about no agenda if elected not to implement it. Not whether it was good or bad for anyone. For me it is about sending a message to the other parties that they better start taking environmental issues seriously and leave this place in better shape for our kids. If there is no serious threat from a party like the greens, why would they change? Politicians listen best when they are on the verge of joining the unemployed.
Can you elaborate on why the green party is so unrealistic? Your opinions on the matter seem very heartfelt. I am the first to admit I have not studied the candidates platforms in detail, but how can you justify giving Harper more time to operate a dictatorship? that seems to be your unstated goal... I guess it will be nice to be a rich man standing in the remains of our chopped down forests and polluted waters. Or is there an alternative that will actually work? Is there an answer? or is it all doom and gloom, but we might as well be a rich country?
I have heard of the description as man being like a locust, rings true doesn't it?
The HST revolt was all about the outright lie about no agenda if elected not to implement it. Not whether it was good or bad for anyone. For me it is about sending a message to the other parties that they better start taking environmental issues seriously and leave this place in better shape for our kids. If there is no serious threat from a party like the greens, why would they change? Politicians listen best when they are on the verge of joining the unemployed.
thanks Profisher, you have just demonstrated my point EXACTLY. You voted with your emotions, not your brain. You didn't care if it was the right move or not, you let emotions take over and did what would "punish", not what would benefit.
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thanks Profisher, you have just demonstrated my point EXACTLY. You voted with your emotions, not your brain. You didn't care if it was the right move or not, you let emotions take over and did what would "punish", not what would benefit.

I dunno, I see it more as voting by being guided by ethics, not emotions (and not mostly by economics like some) - nothing wrong with that. In fact if citizens did this more we would demand better politicians and better governments IMHO.
Actually there are three different types and I am of the third that falls into the category which would like to see a combination of your to previous clasifications. In saying that though I am not going to see the farm sold and my family move into a 1 bedroom condo for the betterment of some "pie in the sky" fishery mandates.

Pippen, that last sentence is one of your hyperboles of which you are very fond. You make the on-going assumption throughout your post that policies that encompass green principles, must by definition, be pie in the sky and that somehow that is immediately going to impoverish you. This theme comes through again and again in your post – no impoverishment and no reduction in the standard of living must ever be contemplated. Whether that happens or not through green principles is irrelevant. You think it is and so you lampoon and blast green policies and principles our of this fear.

Oh and by the way, how do you define being between the two classifications I have set out? Do you think this means we should head towards a planet with about half the species extinct, and CO2 levels that will “only” increase average temperatures by 3C, and where the ocean is only partly polluted – like some sort of crazy political compromise. Putting the environment #1 does NOT mean the end of all economic activity. It means you start out with that as a principle and then all economic activity is built with that as a constraint. If that was done at the outset we would not be having these “oh ****” problems that have to be cleaned up afterwards because things would have been done differently from the outset – even if it “cost more” to begin with. can say I am wrong all you want. I have stated nothing other than I respect other's opinions but don't think I have said that they are outright wrong.

Sorry if I offended you. Perhaps I should have said “The Honorable Forum member Pippen may wish to check his facts”. this province if the environment goes is destroyed....EVERYTHING DOES GO DOWN. We are a province that has not developed alternate industries but we do rely (just like AB, SK MB) on our resources as a source of revenue. We are NOT an anomally and if you can tell me how this province is going to make money in the short term I would be interested.

We do rely on our resources – no problem. But will our children and their children be able to rely on those resources.? If you think that way at the outset. i.e. one of stewardship not rape and pillage to maximise this quarter’s or this year’s earnings you might develop those resources entirely differently, or even leave some in the ground. Sorry, I know that will sound like blasphemy to a rabid capitalist like you!

Let me ask you to clarify your you are NO to forestry, mining, fishing, farming etc? Yes....the latter two will raise questions but commercial fishing (aside from quota issues) is a resource based employer in this is farming (not fish farming as I abhor it). WHERE is this province going to find it's dollars? Do you not think we are taxed pretty heavily? Do you want more taxes?

OK to clarify, I am not NO to all industrial development. I am NO to industrial development that does not align with environmental protection and stewardship. I am NO to clear cuts that destroy watersheds and yes to selective logging. I am against logging that removes biomass faster than it can be replaced. What will our children do if all the forests are gone? I am NO to mining that creates vast abandoned tailing ponds and point sources of pollution so bad that it affects human health, with no effort or plan to clean up the waste and mess beforehand. I am NO to farming that insists on using vast quantities of fertilisers and pesticides that pollute waterways, destroy ecosystems, and create human health hazards. Organic farming is the only method that puts the environment as #1. And yes I know that would cost more and that is absolute anathema to you!

Oh.....and by the way.......don't even waste my time in this discussion with bee colonies. Show my some FACTUAL evidence with CREDIBLE sources.

Well there is plenty of information on that on the web, which you say you use as a resource to inform you. This is the wikepedia article which contains many links to source papers. Colony collapse disorder IS happening, The controversy is what is causing it. There is growing evidence that some pesticides are to blame. Another example of industrial development done without putting environment as #1. Of course the pesticide companies are fighting this idea – like true capitalists they must put corporate profits as #1!

Hahaha.....that is funny. You are saying Labourists from way, way back in the Industial Revoloution made our world, workplaces, environment and the planet a "Happier Place"? Maybe that is why the Mayor of Vancovuer owns a Company called Happy Planet. If you think we have not evolved immensely as a society beyond the mentality of "radicals"......that have fashioned the are likely so far Green/Pinko that you will never see through your hemp poncho and "I love Birkenstocks" t-shirt.

There you go with your hyperbole again. If you do not know anything about the working conditions of the regular man in the 19th century and early 20th century you are clearly not as informed as you claim to be. Of course those labour radicals made the world a better place. They had to fight hard nosed reactionaries like you who wanted to protect their businesses (aka wealth and privilege) in order to do it and the society you enjoy and take for granted came about from their efforts, NOT from enlightened capitalists!

Hippy's did NOT fight for all that you mentioned..........their fundamental ethos since the mid 60's — including harmony with nature, communal living, artistic experimentation particularly in music, and the widespread use of recreational drugs — spread around the world. They did NOT make the world a healthier and safer place unless you consider massive protests to a war, buring pachoolie and driving up the cost of granola....."safer and healthier".

You used the term “hippy/socialists” as a all embracing derogatory term in the first place. I was simply pointing out that radicals like them, who were considered dangerous radicals by your contemporaries back in the day, WERE the ones who made our world a better place. Check up on your history. As to the actual hippies of the 60s’ they had ideas all over the map. Some good some bad. But even you have to agree their stance against the stupid Vietnam war was the right one. Or do you….??

Haha......ya.....making the world better via capitalism has done jack squat for the betterment of the world. Good luck in your dugout canoe....and sealguy fishing line dragging for fish. The statement above is so leftist and so narrow-minded I have trouble even comprehending that you made it?

As to narrow mindedness, I could level the same accusation. Capitalist based economic development has brought many benefits. But those benefits have come at great costs to our environment, health and our children’s future. You cannot see those problems and you treat all criticism of economic development as currently practiced as some kind of heresy. And because your “religion” is threatened you make crazy statements about “dugout canoes”.

Hey.....I have some good things and bad things to say about Suzuki. I applaud his fight against fish farms........but I also think his stance on hunting and the BS propoganda he pulls about grizzly bear and wolf populations in this Province is a massive load of ****. No issues saying that at all as his plebes/disciples who are city dwellers and have ZIPPO idea as to what ACTUALLY happens outside of city limits are the ones who PAY HIS SALARY. I will not dispute he has done some good things and I am on board with some of his green intiatives.....but the BS propaganda against hunting is something I do have inside knowledge of and it's a load shat.

Well I am glad you agree with some things he is advocating. Rampant capitalists still go on about loss of jobs if fish farms are threatened. Yet they are the classic example of an economic activity that goes against ecological principles and violates the environment at every turn. Who could possibly think it is good husbandry and stewardship to keep carnivores in feed lots!!?

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Suzuki is FAR from the GOD many place him as......much as many voting plebes do they believe everything they hear in the first 5 minutes of the news hour and believe it as the truth. When in this day and age you have a friend called Google where you can research issues, cross reference their sources and ACTUALLY take some time out of your life to be educated on many things.

No one said Suzuki is God. Your own hyperbole yet again!
I agree totally about Google. There is no need for anyone to be ignorant of history and science as it is all on the web. Try looking up the history of the labour movement and the collapse of bee colonies!

OKay......I am not fan of the Gateway proposal as it stands. What do you tell those in mid/central BC who stand to benefit with 15+ years of employent who are now living off the Province? "Hey guys......we got this down south.....we voted out the HST but we're jacking up income tax, carbon tax and the PST; you're good!"

Who gets 15+ years of employment? How many get that? Where are your numbers when even Enbridge says only 30 permanent jobs will be created. All construction jobs will go to skilled labour from outside. And at the end of any job argument I say, jobs but at what expense and to whom? The existing tourist industry? first nations? The ecosystem of our coast? Our children who will have to pay the clean-up costs when the inevitable spill of tanker disaster happens??

Yup.....and decades later may you rest still in peace knowing your grandkids had to move to Thailand to open up a recycled beach toy shop as the "green" economy offered them nothing after they spent countless dollars on a degree.

A final ridiculous hyperbole to round off your points! On the contrary green jobs and investments made with green principles will last much longer than what we are doing now and maybe indefinitely. Technical investments such as solar and wind power will provide jobs for a very long time. Once all our trees are gone, all the oil exported to China and all our fisheries destroyed where will our children get resource based jobs then? The foreign capitalists will simply have moved on to continue their plunder elsewhere. There will be plenty of people to swallow “let the good times roll and damn tomorrow” line like you at those locations I’m sure.

My turn for a bit of hyperbole!! LOL
Whole In The Water..thank you as you obviously get it. Ethics, not emotion. Seriously lacking these days in many of us!
Btw ..Pippen u better walk over to the left for a second and share some of that Palmolive with Englishman! Lol
Btw ..Pippen u better walk over to the left for a second and share some of that Palmolive with Englishman! Lol

Ha ha! I don't think he would share anything with me. I am nothing but a "green/pinko/leftist radical" who is worthy only of the firing squad! (I wonder what colour a "green/pinko" is? LOL