Freezing Prawns?

  • Thread starter northriverrunner
  • Start date


Went out yesturday for the first time ever shrimping and in two pulls by hand from 400 ft. got 210 prawns. After eating fresh prawns, ling, and hali I still have a lot left and was wondering how to freeze them. Any suggestions? Thanks
I count out meal sizes and then freeze them in water in a tupperware container. Once frozen I pop the block of ice out and put it in a zip lock and into the freezer. They will last a long time.

I was told SALT.

Do it on board with zip-lock bags and a clean bucket of saltwater between soaks.

Makes sense. Freshwater would dilute the taste.
I freeze them in salt water in plastic containers from yogurt, margerine etc. I have also frozen them slightly on a cookie sheet them vacuum pack. This way you can take out what you need then reseal.
I use a long thick plastic bag. (It's a salmon bag.) Put the prawns in the bag and get as close to one layer as I can.(they are wet with salt water, no extra water) Push out the air and fold over the end. Freeze them flat untill frozen like that. Break them into singles and transfer to a ziplock freezer bag and back into the freezer. Just like storebaught, If you want 9 prawns you can have 9 without thowing out the works.

I'm setting my priorities. I'm making time for fishing.
the way I do it freeze on cookie sheet (head off ) then every couple of hours spray with water form a thick crust. then put in ziploc and then vaccumm seal that way the little sharp spikes on there tail won't puncture the vaccumm bags
When we fished with Bob Franko (Fishin Machine) out of Tahsis last year we did really well on the Prawns and brought some home. He had a system where he put them in aluminum Pie Plates (heads off) with a paper plate on top. Then we put them in a Vac seal (Foodsaver) bag and vac packed them. That was last August and they are still perfect! It works great! The aluminum pie plate keeps the Prawns from puncturing the bag.
quote:Originally posted by NorthStar

When we fished with Bob Franko (Fishin Machine) out of Tahsis last year we did really well on the Prawns and brought some home. He had a system where he put them in aluminum Pie Plates (heads off) with a paper plate on top. Then we put them in a Vac seal (Foodsaver) bag and vac packed them. That was last August and they are still perfect! It works great! The aluminum pie plate keeps the Prawns from puncturing the bag.
Hey that's a Great Idea-Thanks for posting! [8D]

No problem! I am new to the site and will be fishing Vanc Isl in my own boat first time this year.. Have been getting a lot of great info on the site so I am glad I could give back a little.
