Fisheries fines from yesterday. No names no pack drills

When they say "All fishing gear seized as evidence was also forfeited" would that include the boat??

I just returned from the West Coast and was stunned how many of the other guests package their catch. The regulations are very clear, weather you agree or not. Bottom fish were all filleted and cut into pieces for vaccum sealing. No way to tell how many fish or the size. A couple of guys were sealing up fish until midnight, unfortunately they were right outside my bedroom window. They were all prepared with headlamps and a real ****** food saver machine. No fisheries officers anywhere. At least the group in this article got caught
Did you phone it in to dfo while the violation was happening? No offense, but its our duty as canadians and liscence holders to " observe and report"
It’s been going on in Nootka since the dawn of time. i remember being 13 y/o staying at Cougar Creek when the campsite first opened and the men would fish all day and the women folk would stay at camp canning the salmon all day. apartment freezers hooked to generators. Wild Rose license plates as far as the eye could see.

by the time fisheries arrived they were gone, baby gone …
There's people that go to the west coast every weekend all summer or camp out there for months.. your telling me you don't catch your 10 fish in a couple weeks? The poaching some do is sad.
There’s a couple native campgrounds we regularly stay at and there’s times you can hear the hum of vac sealers and the ting, ting, tinging of pressure canners going all night.
Three guys from Alberta fined 10,000 apiece for being idiots sounds fair.
Also named and shamed.
But a commercial fishing vessel with 30,000 pounds of illegally caught fish gets a 6,000 dollar fine and all we get for info is a numbered company.Really WTF.

You know whats funny and most people dont know, but never did you need a special licence for tuna on a commercial boat. Any commercial boat can catch tuna. Last year they issued a registration fee of 50 bucks so DFO could track how many boats were tuna fishing ( assuming the reason ). This guy probly either didnt know or forgot to fill out the piece of paper. Just another DFO gong show. Poor guys went broke this year id assume. they should have just made him fill out the paper and pay the 50 bucks and be done with it.