Fantastic Day On The Water


Active Member
Woke Sunday morning to the nothing short of a miricale, no wind or rain and the sun was about to come out. So without giving it even a second thought it was off to Chris's house to meet up and head out on the chuck in search of winter chinook and prawns. After a quick stop to pic up a few ;) beverages we headed to the launch at Pacific Playgrounds Half way between Courtenay and Campbell River. This would be the first launch of Chris's boat since changing his trailer to bunks instead of rollers. Wow the boat slid off with no more then a nudge and now it was time to fire the main motor that hadn't been running for months couple turns of the key and we were off with lucksters in hand. LOL After pushing our way through the most wood and debris I have ever seen, we were out of the river and ready to head out and drop the prawn traps. Here's how the ocean looked.


After a very smooth and at times very fast trip over 40 mph it was time to bait and drop the traps. This went like clock work thanks to the great prawn trap set-ups Chris has designed. Now its time to head to the fishing area which was quite a challenge due to the mine field of logs and debris in the water but Chris made it look like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Chris pulled out what he called his regular setups flasher and glow tiger prawn hootchie on one side and flasher and 6 inch spoon on the other. Down the gear went 200 feet till it hit bottom then up 5 feet didn't even have time to have a sip of a luckster and we had are first FISH ON. What a guy his boat first fish on and he handed me the rod.


Great start to the day just when I thought it couldn't get any better FISH ON and I can't believe it the skipper hands me the rod again. Is he crazy I'm thinking.


Okay I have my limit and haven't even been fishing for an hour and life could't get any better but now it's time for Chris to work his magic and he sure did.


This is insane great weather, great company, no seals and fantastic fishing and we haven't even pulled the prawn traps with only one more fish to go and we are limited on chinooks and of course it didn't take Chris long to land #4.


So now limited with winter springs the biggest 14lbs it's time to pull the traps. Had no idea how much work it is to pull them up from 300 feet. :blink: Mind you this is why.


So after pulling the traps we decided to drop them for a second haul but being limited with fish Chris suggests we run over to Lund for lunch. Great way to kill time while the traps fill up with more prawns.


After an awesome lunch and a few bevies it's time to pull the traps again and call it a day. Once again we were rewarded greatly.


All I say is what a fantastic day. Chris was a fantastic host, skipper, and fishing partner. His boat the Filthy ***** is one awesome fishing machine. Thanks so much CS for a day I won't soon Forget.

Cheers Kev

Edited by - MyEscape on 02/06/2006 13:51:28
YUP! It's these kind of day's that keep us coming back.


Some like it rough...
Others just puke!.

Mr. Dean
CRIPES!! You're killing me here, man!! LOL

Those are decent winter springs. Way to go. The prawns look mighty tasty too.

Hey Kevin: I must say that your post is one of the most enjoyable and well constructed I have ever viewed on this forum. Full marks for your contributions to this site. Thanks Eman!
Wow, Escape, you should write short stories, that was pretty good. I'm curious, how do you put pictures on the internet like that?

Thanks Captain Dudds
Thanks guys must say I have to give alot of credit to CS he sure knows what he's doing and where to go, one of the best trips ever for me ECVI.

As for posting pics you have to host them some where first. I use it's free. After I upload them from my computer to my album on photobucket I just copy and paste the link on to my post. It explains how to do it on photo bucket.

Cheers Kev

Edited by - MyEscape on 02/06/2006 16:32:46
Yup.. I have to say.. that was one of the best posts ever...had me chucklin the whole way thru.. good going 1
was just wondering what size of boat that is, and the make, it looks like a nice rig ....
Its a 18.5 totaly modified by CS for fishing. Including in floor fish well, in floor large fuel tank and so much more way to much to list. I must say she's a dream to fish on. Plus it real fast and lots of aft room.

Cheers ME
Wow !!I'm jealous.....Nice Catch and Post too!<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>Real Nice

Great post! Veyr nice fish, nice to have the pics to show us your catches. I;m gonna set up on that photobucket its a great idea! Makes very interesting posts.
Thanks for posting Kevin. And a huge thanks to C.S. for giving him a "fix". Hopefully this little rehab will settle you down a little for awhile.........
