Drift jigging ???

love jigging for fall cohoes...really fun! for chinooks, need to find a bait...lots of work to search the big area ...if bait ball is there, salmon is there sometime. lots of jigging..bringing sore shoulder.
love jigging for fall cohoes...really fun! for chinooks, need to find a bait...lots of work to search the big area ...if bait ball is there, salmon is there sometime. lots of jigging..bringing sore shoulder.
When anchored for hali I'll jig to make time pass. Got one one time on the baitcasting reel 6ft rod....what a rush. Lost it at the boat:(
quote: When anchored for hali I'll jig to make time pass. Got one one time on the baitcasting reel 6ft rod....what a rush. Lost it at the boat

That sounds like it would be fun,, hookin up on a decent hog on light tackle,, I've often thought of trying it,, even for Pinks what the hell get a 8# humpy on a 6ft spincast out in open water and you would have some fun boy..