Draft Action Plan Killer Whale


Well-Known Member
[h=1]Regional Consultation on the Draft Action Plan for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales in Canada[/h]http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/sara-lep/rkw-epres/index-eng.html
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) would like your feedback on the draft Action Plan for the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in Canada. The Species at Risk Act (SARA) requires that an action plan be developed for Threatened and Endangered species. The Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales were listed as Threatened and Endangered respectively under SARA in June 2003. This draft Action Plan was developed by DFO in cooperation with Parks Canada Agency. This document will form a key component in the recovery of the Northern and Southern Resident Killer Whales in Canada.

An integral part of the SARA recovery planning process is the involvement of Canadians. As such, it is important for the public to learn more about the draft Action Plan and provide input. Your feedback will help finalize the draft Action Plan and further develop recovery actions to support the recovery goal for these populations.

Here is a link to the action plan.... It' only 20 odd pages so easy to read.

This document was 2 years in the making so I hope everyone can take 5 minutes to read it.
Read it word for word. Have comments, but busy just now. Suggest we ALL have a boo alright.
Pay attention to various focuses, and the lack thereof... ;)

it takes 11 years to come up with a DRAFT plan of action after a species is declared endangered ? What a joke.

I know it's been a long time coming but there are things in there that affect us greatly.
The question is, we may have to make some hard decisions for whats best for this animal.
I suggest everyone read it and start think about it.