Does Canada Need Tighter Gun Restrictions?

Not here-- but anyone that agrees with the NRA idiot's solution to gun violence being everyone packing a gun, needs to give his head a shake.
They created their problem now they are living the experience. Wonder why no one brings up Mexico's problems? They do not allow ownership of guns so only Druglords and cops have them. Civilians are just collateral damage.
I think our gun laws are a great model for how responsible citizens can own and use guns.

Its not our laws. its our demenor. And even then some crack pot could flip his lid at any point.. Remember Montreal?

Are you aware of how easy it is to get a gun in canada?

Is it as easy as the US? no... but its not very hard.

Its not our laws. its our demenor

Exactly, guns aren't the issue. Combine a rah rah rah mentality, media imortalizing these people and the general attitude and this is what you get.