Denman / Hornby updates


Just wondering if any one has a report from that area. I'll be up in the Qualicum area for the next week and my boat is getting it's maiden voyage (from me, that is);) and would like to give it a try. I'll be putting in at Deep Bay Marina. I've fished out off of Chrome before and along the waterfront down to the Big Q. but never had a boat that could venture out as far as Flora Islets, until now. Weathers supposed to be great this weekend. I promised to take the wifey out for the "Sunset Cruise" too, she's never seen the sunset from out there, and it can be spectacular.

thanks in advance,

Seafood, eat it, then catch more.
No report but a reminder that there are recent reg changes/closures for the area around Chrome Island and Norris Rocks down to Nile. You should be ok south of Tribune and on out to Flora and the Whaling stn.
Thanks Wet Spot,

I thought that I'd heard something about that but haven't got around to checking yet.


Seafood, eat it, then catch more.
As posted I was out to Hornby on wed.18th. First time in new boat. In two hrs. got an 18lb and 14lb red spring. Great fighting fish and not bad on barbi. Lots of fish around at that time. Should be a great fishy summer. Good Luck.

quote:Originally posted by fishhawk8

Just wondering if any one has a report from that area. I'll be up in the Qualicum area for the next week and my boat is getting it's maiden voyage (from me, that is);) and would like to give it a try. I'll be putting in at Deep Bay Marina. I've fished out off of Chrome before and along the waterfront down to the Big Q. but never had a boat that could venture out as far as Flora Islets, until now. Weathers supposed to be great this weekend. I promised to take the wifey out for the "Sunset Cruise" too, she's never seen the sunset from out there, and it can be spectacular.

thanks in advance,

Seafood, eat it, then catch more.
Hi fishhawk8
I fished last night from low slack into the flood off the east end of Hornby and found the fish coming onto a bit at dusk.The fishing in this area is starting to pick up. Hopefully a sign of good things to come!
Thanks Seagal,

I'm having a few fishing buddies over for a bar-b-q tonight but will be out over the next two or three days. Will we see you out there.


Seafood, eat it, then catch more.
Good luck george,Iam stuck up here on the taku river 8 kms from the alaska border and not allowed to fish.....Ill be back on the 17th of july.
It's holiday time for me and the missus, and we'll be in Qualicum Beach for the next two weeks. Any updates on salmon around Denman/Hornby? Mouth of the Big Qualicum? Or pinks in the Nile Creek area.

I'll have limited access to the internet and will post some reports as they warrant.


Seafood, eat it, then catch more.