Danielson harpoon tip HHRTS


Active Member
Has anyone been experiencing any corrosion issues with the s/s rigging on these heads? Just wondering because I was just in Trotac yesterday and picked up a couple of spare heads and Trevor was telling me that he has had a customer complain that they lost a halibut because the rigging broke due to corrsion and although the tips were great that I should keep a close eye on the s/s wire as it possibly is not up to par and it could start exhibiting corrosion even after being submerged/used only one time. He suggested that if I do notice any corrosion that I could bring it in and they will replace the rigging for $8-10. Which is great but seems kind of odd that the manufacturer would produce an item of this nature with such a defect. Even more perplexing is that if there is a known issue with the item why wouldn't the manufacturer be informed so that the rigging can be upgraded? Anyway, has anyone had an issue with this? Or perhaps was it just a one of issue where gear wasn't properly tended to after being used? Could the people using these give me an idea as too how long yuo have had them in service and if you have had any of these "corrision" issues? Just thinking if I should replace the rigging now instead of having it fail when there is a 100lber at the other end of it. I'm sure that wouldn't be a pleasant experience! Thanks.
Probably replacing it is the best plan I'm sure. Just wanted to see if it is a widespread issue, if so then a little knowledge about it for the people using them would be nice I'm sure.