Cool Hali Vid-Some Great Underwater Shots

That is very cool ... rare to see such nice quality u/w footage of halibut. I've often thought how cool it would be to have footage of what's going on down there, on one of those gangbusters day on Swiftsure or other similar spots, when you are getting a bite within minutes of putting the gear down, every time. It must be mayhem ... a feeding frenzy.
That guy must have purchased one of them experimental hali licenses...sorry, couldn't resist:p
I believe the lures are by Storm...they have some pretty cool versions.....have heard over the years they work very well ...... :)
Those Accurate Reels those guys are using are beasts for their size, not to mention how slick looking they are, might have to break and buy a few for this upcoming hali season...
Yup they are Storm lures, heres the link to them:

Never tried them, but I think I might for next season. They not cheap though, and I wonder how long they would last after multiple hook ups?

They don't look strong enough for halibut if you ask me. 2 3/4 oz? What you gonna do with that. They must have been fishing really shallow with those lures. The video looks shallow too.