Changing rollers on my trailer


Well-Known Member
The rollers on my trailer and the respective washer hardware is starting to look pretty grim on my highliner trailer. Seeing as there is currently a rubber shortage in the world right now i’m suspecting they may be hard to find. Anyone know a good trailer parts store ?
Also: is there an advantage to switching to the yellow ribbed polymer style rollers? I hate the black scuffs on my hull. thanks for any and all information!
The rollers on my trailer and the respective washer hardware is starting to look pretty grim on my highliner trailer. Seeing as there is currently a rubber shortage in the world right now i’m suspecting they may be hard to find. Anyone know a good trailer parts store ?
Also: is there an advantage to switching to the yellow ribbed polymer style rollers? I hate the black scuffs on my hull. thanks for any and all information!
I would use the poly rollers, too. Rollers are generic. There is plenty available online.
Check out Eastern Marine Online. They’re outta Delaware, and it was way way cheaper to order all new rollers from them, than locally. That included duty, exchange, etc.
Check out Eastern Marine Online. They’re outta Delaware, and it was way way cheaper to order all new rollers from them, than locally. That included duty, exchange, etc.
My highliner has wobble rollers not like everyone else, check your mounting shafts for grooving. Got my parts at a dealer.