bummed in Bamfield

tykkyt e blue

Well-Known Member
I discovered today that my boat and RV had been broken into and majorly cleaned out!
I had planned on 5 days of fun n fishing...sigh
thanks to some local friends, I managed to borrow some electronics and downriggers so the next few days arent wrecked but #&$&*%*!!!!!

For members on SFBC, please keep an eye out for:

4 scotty downriggers spooled w red power pro - bases are unique they have been modified to convert into my outriggers during tuna season

lowrance HDS 10 and HDS 8 - not many folks will have so many waypoints for the canyons.
Nitnat, barkley and louden especially plus 10 years of assorted travels up and down our coast.

4106? 3106 ? titan blue rods ( heavy pwr ) 4 rods
tyee QR reels in blue w blue braid line 4 reels
avet reels hx 2 w blue braid pair
okuma metaloid reels w blue braid pair
Daiwa salitga rods
Daiwa saltist rods... pairs both 7' 40-80 lb weight and 30-50 lb weight.
reliance kill bag w Terry and boat name inside in felt pen
tuna tackle --- im still trying to figure out whats all gone... waaah
Stablized Canon 12x Binos
and the usual... toolbox, box w many many kinds of fluro line - 40 -100lb test
kershaw knives.. etc etc

someone mat try to sell any or all of this stuf

contact port alberni RCMP - theres a file
thanks TEB
If I remember correctly there was a Bamfield local that was caught stealing a bunch of stuff off boats about a year ago. Ask some of the Bamtown guys, they might know the guys name. Mind you it's probably long gone by now.Sorry about your loss. Will insurance cover it? In my 15 years experience doing insurance work, there normally has to be some sort of " caretaker" that routinely checks on property if you are absent. Not sure how this relates to a marine setting.
Sorry my bad. Did a search and it was a car/ truck thief. Looks like he's in the crowbar motel anyway.
Sorry to hear that -Vancouver Island isn't all that big a place though and those downrigger bases especially were one-of-a- kind so something might develop.

I lost a bunch of stuff to theft once and never remembered some of the lures until months afterward-don't be too quick to make a 'complete list'.
Awe man. I know how it feels to have this happen. I hope this stuff turns up. One good thing is Bam towns pretty small so there is a better chance that items may show up all at once or some good leads will be had. Still tho its quite a personal invasion even tho its stuff.
Terry that is completely sh*tty. I am p*ssed just reading this. let me know what you still need and I will run through my stuff to see if I can provide with a few loaners.
I felt like puking when I read that. What a raw deal.
I hope one way or another you get back in action soon.
Sucks Big Time! I've had tools ripped off out of my van years ago. That feeling you get when you first see it.... you just want to kill the bastards!! Okay maybe not kill but break a few bones at least!
Hopefully insurance will help you out. (Insurance ...Ha! don't get me started. Hopefully that experience doesn't turn into a nightmare) But that doesn't take away from the feeling of being ripped off and the hassle of the whole process.
Ugh, what a horrible feeling. The real loss is not the dollars involved, it's the time. Time spent filing claims, hunting for receipts and photos, time spent purchasing replacements and forwarding their receipts, time spent documenting the new gear, but most of all the time it took to acquire, assemble, test, modify and sort all of the items. No one compensates you for that.

I had a break in from a jobsite a year ago and lost well over ten grand in tools. The bulk of it was in big stuff like table saws, mitre saws, compressors, air tools. Fortunately insurance was good and most of it was easily replaced. But the biggest loss by far to me was a box of finishing hand tools that had taken over 15 years to acquire. Some of them were hand made or modified to fulfil a specific need, others were just obscure (and expensive) wood chisels, hand planes, files, countersinks, special woodworking drill bits and so on. I wrote out a list for insurance but it was a big tool box with wheels and a handle not unlike a suitcase, there were hundreds of small items in there, some of which were only used once a year or even less. Over a year now since the theft and not a week goes by when I look for a tool or a drill bit and realise it was in my finishing box. A well sorted fishing tackle box would be much the same, maybe even worse if you made your own lures and flies.
So sorry to hear about your loss. I hope it doesn't ruin your trip completely. I would be devastated if my gear was ever stolen. A lot of it is collectable and totally irreplaceable these days. I feel for you, and hope that it may be found and returned.

We all go fishing to get away from the **** that goes on in the cities. It's so sad to have that happen in one of the nicest get away spots on the planet.

Try not to let it ruin your fishing season. Best of luck to you.
Been through this a couple of times myself but not to the extent of your loss.Pissed off doesn't even come close to what I was feeling at the time.Cant imagine what you're going through.I guess what really fumes me is that you expect to be treated the same way that you treat others ,but sadly that's not the way it works in this world!I truly am sorry you have to go through this.
Whenever I hear about this sh*t, I always start to think that "Triple S" is the best solution..........;)
sorry to hear about this t.e.b,
wish more could (or would) be done about these lowlifes. they cause a lot of grief for a lot of people.