Blackmouth or winter Springs.


When fishing for winter chinook gets tough, does anyone ever go out into deeper water off of a ledge and find the fish? There are a lot of times when the fish are not in the 90-120' or up to the 150' range, I can find them 120-150' down in 220-250' of water. Anyone ever find that?

Took three guys out fishing that work for me. We were working a ledge with no great results. I started making really wide U-turns out in deep water to have the fish hit it way out there. We started trgetting these areas over the last few years when fishing was slow and told friends that did the same in different areas and they did really well. Its not always like this, but gives you a chance to find them when its slow.
Im in agreement with you, I was in 250 water and down 130 +/- and picked up a few including a nice 30" long winter spring.