BC Provincial Election-I Voted Already

Good bye salmon and steelhead and welcome IPPs, fish farms, oil pipelines and tankers. Soon Westcoast will = Eastcoast. Thanks people of BC! Sometimes in near future you people would gladly give a few tax dollars to turn back time and you will wish to have back what you once had. Enjoy your short lived fake prosperity while throwing away such precious.
One of the most astounding things about this whole thing in my mind is how wrong the pollsters were. It's Alberta all over again! I think AD and the NDP waltzed into this thing thinking they had it in the bag and campaigned accordingly. Bad move.
In my opinion, we have the right result, even though we have less than 50% of the people of the Province voting - which is truly a shame.
We're kinda getting off track a bit I think, this is about BC's industries not the Tar Sands and what's happening in NE BC is absolutley nothing like that. I'd be curious to know how much you're willing to stand behind your ideals. Knowing what you know now I'm sure your retirement portfolio has no energy stocks in it right? Certainly none that belong to the big "E", you know the one that demon Gwynn Morgan helped build up? Sorry if it seems like I'm throwing stones but you know what they say about politics and religion, add that to ones livelihood potentially being jeopardized and I get passionate. I did manage to get out and make my voice heard ths afternoon, cheers amigo.
Yup I had Endbridge in my stock portfolio and dumped it when this gateway project came up. It's a good quality stock but sadly can't support that idea. No Encana or anything like that. Like most people I had mutual funds and really had not much clue what was in there. Went through all of it and change it to reflect my principals.
I was under the impression BC was shipping plenty of gas to the tar sands is this not so? As for working in a gas plant....... Stay safe that's nasty stuff in there.

Congrats to the Liberals and their supporters on their election win.
Hopefully our leader can reflect on this and guide our province to a better future.
I was told by a lot of folks that the NDP were going to gain power. The polls looked like it too. I wasn't certain of the outcome but all I knew was nobody wanted those NDP screw up's in power. The past speaks for itself.

Thank you Pippen, trendsetter, and other members for posting up common sense replies and quality information about this not so new government that we have in power.
Well what do you know,, there is a glimmer of hope for your province after all. Still not far enough to the right to really make a differance but its better than your other options.

Now,, lets get started on that pipeline,, Daddy needs a new Hummer for the driveway lol..

Actualy I'm kind of sad,, a piece of me was hoping you all would vote in the dippers, I am planning on buying a little retirment place out on the island in a couple years and they would of drove down the property prices even farther than what they are now..
Yup I had Endbridge in my stock portfolio and dumped it when this gateway project came up. It's a good quality stock but sadly can't support that idea. No Encana or anything like that. Like most people I had mutual funds and really had not much clue what was in there. Went through all of it and change it to reflect my principals.
I was under the impression BC was shipping plenty of gas to the tar sands is this not so? As for working in a gas plant....... Stay safe that's nasty stuff in there.

Congrats to the Liberals and their supporters on their election win.
Hopefully our leader can reflect on this and guide our province to a better future.

Good on you for putting your money where your mouth is, not many people do. Hopefully this will turn out well for the province.
I was told by a lot of folks that the NDP were going to gain power. The polls looked like it too. I wasn't certain of the outcome but all I knew was nobody wanted those NDP screw up's in power. The past speaks for itself.
I totally agree, Nobody wanted a repeat of the NDP's last term..Although i don't support the northern gateway pipeline, A liberal government was absolutely the lesser of two evil's , Maybe next time somebody hand's dix a petition with 68,000 signatures he should do more then shrug it off n stick it on backburn..
Thank you Pippen, trendsetter, and other members for posting up common sense replies and quality information about this not so new government that we have in power.

Hahaha........Sculpin, you're welcome. ;) If I may speak on behalf of trendsetter et al.....we are here for the people. :p
Hahaha........Sculpin, you're welcome. ;) If I may speak on behalf of trendsetter et al.....we are here for the people. :p

Yes, a big THANK YOU to Pippen and trendsetter! Voices of reason here!
Change for the better - we got it, a Liberal majority government!
I am not surprised I know the island is very ndp but the rest of the province is always liberal (or conservative federally) minded. Even tho most of the races where close at lot almost 50/50, just shows you how divided our province is.

For some conspiracy **** :p You know when you cant make up your mind but you know what you dont want.. I think the liberals fixed the polls to look like a ndp landslide to get the voters who didnt want ndp in to come out and vote.

Its a sad day. we know where the liberals stand on the pipeline and our bc resources and assets, they are all up for grabs to the highest bidder (or the lowest bidder if you have inside connections).
I am not surprised I know the island is very ndp but the rest of the province is always liberal (or conservative federally) minded. Even tho most of the races where close at lot almost 50/50, just shows you how divided our province is.

Its a sad day. we know where the liberals stand on the pipeline and our bc resources and assets, they are all up for grabs to the highest bidder (or the lowest bidder if you have inside connections).

It is indeed a sad day for BC.
However, the battle to defeat that Northern Gateway pipeline has only just begun and we, the people of BC will not have our rivers and coast destroyed by Alberta and Harper. Even some on here who are now giddy with the sound of money jingling in their pockets can see the risks and dangers we are going to run with everything we hold dear about this coast.
The salmon feed lots are another issue and that is going to take a long hard slog to build more DNA genetic science based around the work of Miller, Morton and others to get them out. By then it may be too late for our wild salmon. Never mind all those Liberal voters out there believe they will be rich so they can buy big cruise boats and head off to party in Desolation Sound or take up golf instead.
Do you really believe the NDP would have nixed the project ?
Dix flip flopped back and forth so many times, nobody really knew his position on it.
I would say it is a sad day for politics but not because the Liberals won and they fought a brilliant campaign.

Dix managed to blow a massive lead to a large extent with his high road positive message campaign on the assumption that people are tired of all the mudslinging, and because he thought it was safe to announce some increased social spending and that they were far enough ahead that they did not need to go negative. When they started to go negative a little near the end to counter the slide it was far too late. It was a major strategic blunder and it is not like ten + years of liberal rule did not provide sufficient raw material to work with.

I don’t see others following the high road strategy in the foreseeable future. US style saturation, fear based, negative attack ads will likely be increasingly adopted by all major parties. They work because they appeal to baser instincts and fears. Our next provincial and federal elections are likely to have everyone rolling around in the slim throwing mud with lots of unflattering expression black and white photos to negatively define the opponents and have even less substance to them. I suspect that elections will increasingly be won by those who have the resources to produce and purchase the greatest number and most damaging attack ads. That I find regrettable.
I think the NDP lost because the majority of voters in BC did not want Dix and an NDP government. The results speak for themselves.
I agree with you Rockfish. It's actually down right disgusting and it show the low ethical level of our society.
I think the NDP lost because the majority of voters in BC did not want Dix and an NDP government. The results speak for themselves.

They do indeed speak for themselves. It was, however, an amazing turn around and a brilliant campaign by Clark and negative attack ads were a big part of it. My point is that we are likely to see a lot more negative attack ads in the future. I personally don’t like them, would prefer they were not used, but no doubt they work and I doubt that other parties are going to handicap themselves in the future by not using them.

What I find fascinating as an observer of politics is that the "Comeback Kid" has now solidified herself strongly in the leadership role and is now untouchable. Why is that important? At one time the Liberal party was a coalition of those with right, far right and centrist political philosophy’s. Under Campbell the more centrist liberal elements had little influence or were outright purged and the BC Liberal party had effectively become Liberal in name only. I don’t think many would argue that under the Campbell brand that it was pretty much out there on the right.

My perception and I am sure some will argue it, is that Clark is in her heart a centrist and closer to a Trudeau style Liberal which did not get her a lot of support with the old boys of the far right within the party. After her convention win she had virtually no support and it was somewhat surprising she even survived with the knives out for her.

In order to survive she was forced to go more to the right than I think is her natural tendencie. Now things have changed, she is Joan of Arc, has killed the dragon and kept the NDP Hordes from storming the castle against overwhelming odds. Those holding the knives are now putting them away and keeping their heads down. In short she has power and political capital to burn and I suspect we will not be seeing, to the same degree, the implementation of the kinds of far right agendas that we saw after Campbell’s wins.

The BC Liberal Party is not a true Liberal Party; but under an empowered Clark it may be closer now than before the election.
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