BC anglers want Ottawa to charge them more.


Well-Known Member
March 8, 2011
B.C. anglers want Ottawa to charge them more to fish salmon
From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
But sport fisherman can't get federal fisheries officials to agree to fee hike, probe told

Sports anglers in British Columbia have asked the federal government to charge them more to go salmon fishing.

But the 300,000 anglers who annually buy salt-water licences on the West Coast just can't get the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to agree to a fee hike, a federal commission appointed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper heard Monday.

"We have been enormously frustrated by the Department's inability to charge us more money," Gerry Kristianson told the Commission of Inquiry into the Decline of Sockeye Salmon in the Fraser River.

Mr. Kristianson, Chair of the Sport Fishery Advisory Board (SFAB), said salt-water-fishing licences haven't increased in price since the mid-1990s, and anglers are prepared to pay more if the money will be returned by the government to help manage the resource.

He said his board, which advises DFO on a voluntary basis, has been told the request for higher licence fees is caught up in government red tape.

Mr. Kristianson said it seems odd any group "is unable to have the government collect more money from it," and urged Commissioner Bruce Cohen to look into the situation.

Mr. Cohen, a Supreme Court of B.C. judge who is heading the inquiry, made no comment, but was busy taking notes throughout the testimony by Mr. Kristianson, Frank Kwak, a recreational angler who serves on many advisory bodies, and Jeremy Maynard, past chair of the SFAB and a professional fishing guide.

An annual salt-water-salmon licence costs a resident $21, and a non-resident $101.

Mr. Kristianson did not say how much more anglers wanted to pay, and panel members aren't allowed to take questions from the media while under oath. By comparison, the province charges residents $36 and non-residents $55, for an annual fresh-water licence. The provincial licence allows fishermen to catch salmon once they have left the ocean and entered rivers.

Mr. Kwak said the province is considering hiking its fresh-water licence fees, and urged Mr. Cohen to keep that in mind should he make any recommendations concerning increases to the federal salt-water licence.

He told the Commission "upward of 5,000 fishermen a day" can be seen on the Fraser during the sockeye run, but said it is not clear how many fish they catch, because DFO doesn't have a comprehensive or rigorous way of collecting catch data.

Mr. Kwak questioned whether an accurate count of anglers can be made from patrol flights over the Fraser. And he said DFO workers, who ask anglers on the river how many fish they have caught, in an onsite survey, can get misleading data, because fishermen exaggerate how many fish they have caught.

He said that often takes people from his church fishing, and when they are questioned by DFO surveyors, he will hear them say they caught 15 or 20 pink salmon, when in fact they might have had that many briefly hooked, but lost them all.

Mr. Kristianson said surveys can be reliable, but that DFO surveyors need to be given the authority to inspect an anglers' catch, rather than just relying on fishermen to volunteer a catch estimate.

The Cohen Commission is expected to turn to scientific issues Tuesday, after finishing with the recreational fishing panel.
Non-resident $101 that should be more...Or limited to a 3 day license unless guided.

My thought.

Should I pay more...Maybe...But I am a life time BC Resident. I shoud get a discount for that.
yes mr assassin, i think WA should be charging YOU $200 for a day license and you can only have one of those per year. what a retrograde position to take! that sort of ME-ME-ME attitude is what led to the salmon wars of the past. or how about, you can't fish the WCVI until all the columbia r. fish are judged to have passed south.....geez
and anglers are prepared to pay more if the money will be returned by the government to help manage the resource.

This is the kicker, that they would have to do more, seems like the fish are the problem to them and if they are not there no more problem.
yes mr assassin, i think WA should be charging YOU $200 for a day license and you can only have one of those per year. what a retrograde position to take! that sort of ME-ME-ME attitude is what led to the salmon wars of the past. or how about, you can't fish the WCVI until all the columbia r. fish are judged to have passed south.....geez

$200 a day sounds good as long as we can charge YOU the same. But we would allow you to buy more then one a year. As we are kind people here in Canada. At $200 a day I won't even mind you catching a couple of Black Rock Fish while your here. With a 2 day limit of cousre.

I had to reply to this one....
in thinking about your proposal mr assassin, why not! i am sure the resident anglers would be more than happy to pay more, maybe $500-$750/year for a resident license. after all the tourist industry would be losing a ton of money from non-resident anglers hangin it up and not travelling north, so the bucks would have to come from someplace, why not your pocket? the more i think about this the better this idea sounds!

this would also provide the exact logic for booking fisihng trips south, maybe CR where a week for 2 anglers fisihng for big mean critters is less than half of what the northern lodges charge for a 5 day maybe for one angler. this is sounding more and more like a great idea, thanks mr assassin, good thinking!
I bet they could double the costs of both of our licences and you would still pay it to come here to fish. Look at the BC Ferries they keep raising the costs of travel and you still come. The cost of fuel goes up and guess what...You still come. I fished Washington State for 20+ years. I know why you guys come here, there is nothing else like it.
agree reelfast, if it werent for the great job done down south im not too sure how the nootka area lodges would survive quite honestly, the conuma cant possibly supply all the fish everyone harvests, i realize we are catching american bound fish out there...

X2-I'm still eating some of those fish too.

The idea of hiking fees high for non-resident is called Killing The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg aka being just plain stupid.
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Yes they have done a great job down south, and no the Conuma can not supply the demand. But this not only about Nootka Sound nor is just about Vancouver Island. I am not sure that if it was not for US fish that there would not be a fishery though. The fish are here there and every where. They swim, they have tails and fins that allow them to do so. They will be fished no matter where they come from or what ever route they take back to their home river. Are they US halibut and cod they are here catching?

Hiking the costs will not stop them from comming. Fishing here on the West Coast of Canada is worth every penny.
yah know mr assassin, once you hook up with a pacific sail, blue, stripped or black marlin, wahoo, roosterfish, ..... all on a fly rod, anadramous fishin' takes on new meaning :) with lodges charging what they do up your way they have overreached to the point of not being a value investment for us southern anglers. heading south with your shorts, sun screen and flats hat has way more appeal to some of us. so, hike your pricing for non-residents, no worries from me as there are a ton of options for quality fisihng at reasonable costs.

but you are correct, fishing down this way is in the tank. but its coming your way as well as the ME-ME-ME attitude up north for more and bigger bag limits, longer and longer seasons all will result in BC looking just like WA when it comes to quanity and quality of the fishing experience. i'll be headed over to vic come april 1st to plunk down my cash for a nonressie as fisihng across the strait from PA is a simple thing to do. see'yah on the strait, REELFAST is quite noticable, give a shout. :)
Back on track--- who gave those guys the right to speak for all of us... I dont remember an increase ever being mentioned at any of the local SFAC meetings , nor a report back from the south or main board SFAC on that subject either.

I dont think we should offer ANYTHING until DFO can show that the present problems affecting our fishing will be addressed.
Id pay 10 bucks more on my lisence if it ALL went to the hatcheries. Or better yet give it to our friends down South they seem to be doing the right thing. Im sure our hatcheries would be doing better to if they had more support!!
So I reside in Canada, but not presently on the West Coast, I buy the yearly license for $21.00. I fish CANADIAN waters for a couple of days in the year, for arguments sake lets say 5 days, or about $4.20 per day for my license. Fairly cheap entertainment.

Now to get myself in DaDa...........
Just because B.C. sits against the Pacific, it doesn't mean the Salt Water inhabitants, within CANADA'S boundry belong to B.C.!
How many days do most West Coast guys fish for CANADIAN fish for the same $21.00?
AND yes, that is a B.C. Birth Certificate/SIN in my wallet,I still own property there, I still cheer for the Lions, the Canucks and was a DIE hard fan of the Salmon Bellies!
As a Canadian, I don't remember anyone asking me if I wanted to pay more for my License!!!!!!!!

I also buy the CANADIAN NON-Resident freshwater License, I think it cost me around $54.00, but most of that money goes to good causes and as long as it does, I won't have a problem paying it!
Until, I move back home that is.
Just because B.C. sits against the Pacific, it doesn't mean the Salt Water inhabitants, within CANADA'S boundry belong to B.C.!
I agree. In fact I was just on my way to pick up my share of my oil from alberta, my gas from Saskatchewan, my pork barrel cash from Ontario, my subsidized everything from Quebec and my E.I. cheque from the maritimes.

Just remember that you're the one who left. ;-)
You must have missed my post about renewable as opposed to non-renewable resources.
The reason I left were the Unions, the Govt.,Taxes and the Whiners!
When I retire from my Oil Field related job, at least I can return to B.C. and spend the money I saved by not paying the Bring Cash taxes!
not meaning to hijack thread, but

labman2, when were you a bellies fan? I was a die hard shamRock fan until a few years ago. the rivalry is still strong
My Grandfather was a Plumber in Victoria for about 30 yrs, he had season tickets, he started taking me once I was house broke (no diapers), so basically all through the 60s and 70s.
Agreed Smiley, in the USA the sportspeople agreed at one time that a tax on sports equipment that was spent on maintaining wildlife. It has become such a lucrative cash flow that the Government spendcrazies are wanting to include that into general coffers.