Bamfield fish processing?

Do you cut each fillet in multiple pieces? I was thinking of doing that and just keep them seperated in their own bags.
I always cut into multiple pieces and then label every piece and put all back together in a bag so the fish can be easy identified. Have never had any issues with DFO on this.
I always cut into multiple pieces and then label every piece and put all back together in a bag so the fish can be easy identified. Have never had any issues with DFO on this.
But you have been checked?

I did the same, sounds like lots of guys do. But has anyone ever actually passed an inspection this way?
But you have been checked?

I did the same, sounds like lots of guys do. But has anyone ever actually passed an inspection this way?
Going to be bad news if they check you! The reason they want a full fillet is to determine size. It wasn't a big deal when you had to only show greater that min size as it was obvious that the fish was bigger. But now with upper size limit in many areas cutting it up makes it hard to prove that you didn't just trim a little off each piece to make it shorter than the slot. I wouldn't want to be caught, sounds like a court date to me...
The second page of our license lays out the packaging details. Mills will vac seal what you give them, regardless of how you cut it up. So definitely make sure you cover your but, with regards to the rules. You never know when the DFO will check you. I’ve seen them in some pretty remote fish camps checking.
Do you cut each fillet in multiple pieces? I was thinking of doing that and just keep them seperated in there own bags.
yes, numbered fish and pieces with collar on the front one and adipose and tail piece attached to the end piece if that makes sense, same fish numbered on the licence with length noted on the licence and on the bag. the fillets are cut on an angle so it makes it easier to fit and lay out if needed. i did get stopped, laid a few out and passed with a thank you. actually appreciated the organization and effort. each fish is in its own small kitchen bag. unscented of course.
I always cut into multiple pieces and then label every piece and put all back together in a bag so the fish can be easy identified. Have never had any issues with DFO on this.
I’d be watching myself there. Do as you wish but for me I won’t take a chance. Looks pretty clear to me what the regs say, nor sure what part of it people don’t get.

Partially slice the full fillet into portion sizes leaving the skin, collar, tail and adipose in tact. Put both fillets in one bag. Freeze flat so the two don't stick much, then finish the cut at home. It's not hard to do.
We have a truck and a Civic going on a family trip. We're going to have some done in Ukee by pros. Can all the last 2 days iced fish travel home in the truck for processing at my home then distributed? How can those be labeled? Limits won't likely be reached with a baby and a toddler in tow and non-fishers reeling.