April 1 Fishing Regs-sell your Boats!!

It's hard to follow their progress now that Thomas Sewid isn't involved. He was good at getting the info out on Facebook

He was racist, antagonistic and confrontational as hell.
When told to reign himself in, he got worse. Much worse.
Those were among the many reasons he was turfed.
After he was turfed, the decision was made within the Board to discontinue the FB page & approach.
Since then, the developments have been exponential in nature, adding to the conclusion the FB effort was unwarranted.

He was racist, antagonistic and confrontational as hell.
When told to reign himself in, he got worse. Much worse.
Those were among the many reasons he was turfed.
After he was turfed, the decision was made within the Board to discontinue the FB page & approach.
Since then, the developments have been exponential in nature, adding to the conclusion the FB effort was unwarranted.

Well it was nice to follow what the group was up to and help with their expenses. I have no clue now if they are even operational
Well it was nice to follow what the group was up to and help with their expenses. I have no clue now if they are even operational

I am telling you that they / we are operational. I am part of the Board of the PBPS.
We decided that a public presence was only suitable for certain operations.
The funding that you mention was never directed into any of our operations, thus my wondering just where it did go.
Might be a good question for Tom - if you can get ahold of him that is...

He was racist, antagonistic and confrontational as hell.
When told to reign himself in, he got worse. Much worse.
Those were among the many reasons he was turfed.
After he was turfed, the decision was made within the Board to discontinue the FB page & approach.
Since then, the developments have been exponential in nature, adding to the conclusion the FB effort was unwarranted.

Here's what he has been up to... https://www.saobserver.net/news/questions-arise-after-decapitated-sea-lion-found-on-b-c-shore/

Here's what he has been up to...

Who cares?

He has not lived in Canada for a rather long time. Sneaks in and out occasionally.
Lies constantly.
He has NOT applied for any licenses whatsoever. Nor has the Band in CR (ask them just what they think of him...)
Waste of time.

When the sea is void of fishermen, I will be curious to see the messaging from NGOs when they realize the pinniped population has a direct negative affect to the survival of Oracas...
So it looks to me that the current approach to staying one step ahead of the building science that demonstrates the impact of pinniped predation and need to address the human caused predation leading to salmon declines is well underway. This will delay at best and possibly derail at worse any predator control plans. Twisting science to achieve an end objective perhaps?
Oh, and I might add that how does Transient KW population get added to SARA as threatened when their population is building at 2 to 4 % every year....a rebuilding plan? Really? Isn't the population at historic levels? Objective science or is there something else at play....like creating a way to generate research funding? Sorry to sound like a conspiracy theorist but its not adding up for me.

Historic population trends and habitat usage of Bigg’s killer whales in the Salish Sea are not well known, as differentiation of killer whales into ecotypes did not happen until the 1980s. The population has grown steadily over the last 40 years, doubling since 1990 to a 2018 total of over 500 individuals (Towers et al. 2018). A subset of this population (approximately 350 individuals) has been identified as more likely to occur within coastal waters. Within this subset, there were 112 births and 27 deaths from 2012 to the end of 2018, resulting in a greater than 4% growth rate (Towers et al. 2019). While not all these whales use the Salish Sea on an annual basis, well over 200 individual whales in at least 50 different matrilines currently use the region on a regular basis (Shields et al. 2018), as compared to 12 matrilines 25 years ago (Baird and Dill 1995).
I am telling you that they / we are operational. I am part of the Board of the PBPS.
We decided that a public presence was only suitable for certain operations.
The funding that you mention was never directed into any of our operations, thus my wondering just where it did go.
Might be a good question for Tom - if you can get ahold of him that is...

I just want to see them pinnipeds thinned out ASAP and was willing to donate to the cause, with or without Thomas . That’s all
Too bad us nobody’s are kept in the dark
More habitat zones to close out rec fleet, and close out loophole for any pinniped predation. That is my read. Where did it come from? I think we know. Certain groups have made it clear they want pinnipeds left alone. The department wouldn't initiate without it being pushed.
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Exactly...dreaming in technicolour if we have expectations there will be any meaningful movement on developing a science-based predator control program in the immediate future (1-5 years). Road-blocks in place. Good luck Salmon and Steelhead....FLUSH. Full stop. I strongly dislike golf, but its starting to look pretty appealling. WAIT....Tuna is the new Chinook. Ahhhh. Better now, at least I don't have to sell my boat or buy one that will fish Tuna.
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So it looks to me that the current approach to staying one step ahead of the building science that demonstrates the impact of pinniped predation and need to address the human caused predation leading to salmon declines is well underway. This will delay at best and possibly derail at worse any predator control plans. Twisting science to achieve an end objective perhaps?

SOURCE Please & Thanks...
Exactly...dreaming in technicolour if we have expectations there will be any meaningful movement on developing a science-based predator control program in the immediate future (1-5 years). Road-blocks in place. Good luck Salmon and Steelhead....FLUSH. Full stop. I strongly dislike golf, but its starting to look pretty appealling. WAIT....Tuna is the new Chinook. Ahhhh. Better now, at least I don't have to sell my boat or buy one that will fish Tuna.
Oh yup!!! Tuna was the new chinook for me for the last 10 years now.... Never dulls!!
Exactly...dreaming in technicolour if we have expectations there will be any meaningful movement on developing a science-based predator control program in the immediate future (1-5 years). Road-blocks in place. Good luck Salmon and Steelhead....FLUSH. Full stop. I strongly dislike golf, but its starting to look pretty appealling. WAIT....Tuna is the new Chinook. Ahhhh. Better now, at least I don't have to sell my boat or buy one that will fish Tuna.
IMHO it will be very hard to get DFO or any other part of govt. to cull any seals in any significant numbers for long, if at all, regardless what the science says. I can't see the general public going for it - not nowadays.

However, I think it is very reasonable to think that we could see the FN's being allowed to do it for cultural and socio-economic reasons - like they do with salmon, deer, caribou, moose, etc. other species around Canada and the rest of the world.
Exactly...dreaming in technicolour if we have expectations there will be any meaningful movement on developing a science-based predator control program in the immediate future (1-5 years). Road-blocks in place. Good luck Salmon and Steelhead....FLUSH. Full stop. I strongly dislike golf, but its starting to look pretty appealling. WAIT....Tuna is the new Chinook. Ahhhh. Better now, at least I don't have to sell my boat or buy one that will fish Tuna.

once you fish tuna salmon suck :) :)