Alliance - Published!

Little Hawk

Active Member

Check out page A7 in today's (Monday) Times Colonist.
Meeting's still on tonight (7:00pm/Camosun/Interurban/Campus Center/rm.122)

The war is on.
David vs Goliath.
I'm sure there's a lot of us sporties that would like to see you triumph, but what do you have for ammo? Any polititions to fight fire with fire?
Talked to a fish farming advocate the other day and he seems to think that they employ 5000 people in B.C. who don't seem to be shaking in their boots too much. Some number discrepancy there.
It's to much sifting through info on the sticky thread. How about a condensed version of your battle plan.

Go Terry, Go Terry, Go ........

Email's gone bonkers!

Alliance has busted 100!

Have to get ready for the meeting tonight.

Camosun/Interurban/Campus Center/Rm 122 @7:00pm.
All welcome to come.
It's the Alliance's first meeting.

Will post the meeting highlights tonight or early a.m.

Well done Terry.
Please post and let us know how the meeting goes (for us non-Victorians).
Thanks .... for all your efforts.
Cheers Terry:

Well said and my thoughts and prayers are with you!

In appreciation...

Fishing Guide

I am Canadian. Let's go fishing, eh!