All Things COVID-19

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Well yesterday one of my coworkers tested positive. I don't share an office with them or have contact with them but i know 5 of the guys that do. Apparently they were told that if they wanted they could go get tested if they were worried or if they have symptoms to go get tested. Only one of the guys in the office went to get tested this morning. I just got off the phone with him and they refused to test him because he does not have any symptoms. The other 4 guys never went to get tested and today are back in the office going on business as normal.

pretty messed up imo if this is how they handle things we should not be surprised we are where we are.
That’s BS. They don’t ask any questions at the testing site. You show up with your care card and get tested and they text you the results in 8-10 hrs. No questions being asked about your symptoms whatsoever. Only question they ask at the entrance is whether you want the gurgling test or the swab. That’s it.
Don’t forget, lot if People dob the test because of the travelling regs or job requirements and they’re not supposed to show symptoms and they still get tested.
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That’s BS. They don’t ask any questions at the testing site. You show up with your care card and get tested and they text you the results in 8-10 hrs. No questions being asked whatsoever.

he had a long conversation with them at the site he went to they tested over 500 people yesterday. Literally just got off the phone with him.
I’d talk to whoever runs your office ASAP and see if they’re willing to wear the risk to loosing staff to sickness. What you’re describing is pretty effed up.
My daughter was exposed yesterday to a person who tested positive. She works for a small business with a store In two different cities. They told employees to wait and see if they have symptoms before getting tested. Also told them there’s no plans to shut down if there’s more positives. This is why we need enforcement.
My daughter was exposed yesterday to a person who tested positive. She works for a small business with a store In two different cities. They told employees to wait and see if they have symptoms before getting tested. Also told them there’s no plans to shut down if there’s more positives. This is why we need enforcement.

yeah its super messed up its no surprise that's how it spreads if this is what's been going on.
That’s BS. They don’t ask any questions at the testing site. You show up with your care card and get tested and they text you the results in 8-10 hrs. No questions being asked about your symptoms whatsoever. Only question they ask at the entrance is whether you want the gurgling test or the swab. That’s it.
Don’t forget, lot if People dob the test because of the travelling regs or job requirements and they’re not supposed to show symptoms and they still get tested.

When I got tested last September as a precaution before flying to see my Dad in palliative care it was the case that you just show up with your care card and good to go.

I have talked to others recently who have gone to get tested because of possible exposure and all were turned away as they had no symptoms.
When I got tested last September as a precaution before flying to see my Dad in palliative care it was the case that you just show up with your care card and good to go.

I have talked to others recently who have gone to get tested because of possible exposure and all were turned away as they had no symptoms.
Weird times indeed: the need to get tested with no symptoms to find if you are sick is like visiting the cemetery to check if you are dead
The guidelines say that if you were in close contact with someone that tested positive, you have to self-quarantine. You aren't even supposed to go get tested, just go straight home and quarantine. So WMY work is not playing by the rules, but what's the point if nobody else at the office has covid? Why shut down a business if everyone else is fine?
They define a close contact as

Close contacts are people:

  • Who live in the same home as you, or
  • You have spent longer than 15 minutes with, where you and the other person/people were less than 6 feet (2 meters) apart. This includes people that you may have worked or socialized with.

This does not include health care or long-term care facilities, daycares or school communities or classrooms. Public Health will follow-up on these settings specifically.
When I got tested last September as a precaution before flying to see my Dad in palliative care it was the case that you just show up with your care card and good to go.

I have talked to others recently who have gone to get tested because of possible exposure and all were turned away as they had no symptoms.
I got tested in last week of February and absolutely no questions were asked. That was when we were in the 500 positives/ day range but with the numbers going up I can imagine how constrained the system has become.
Well yesterday one of my coworkers tested positive. I don't share an office with them or have contact with them but i know 5 of the guys that do. Apparently they were told that if they wanted they could go get tested if they were worried or if they have symptoms to go get tested. Only one of the guys in the office went to get tested this morning. I just got off the phone with him and they refused to test him because he does not have any symptoms. The other 4 guys never went to get tested and today are back in the office going on business as normal.

pretty messed up imo if this is how they handle things we should not be surprised we are where we are.
this is exactly what happened a while back in a freakin dental office my wife used to work in, they wouldn't test the dental asst. because she had no symptoms, and they are still doing this **** with these variants, dixhead and henry are as bad as trump ffs and try and coat it with niceness, hell they are even nice to the covidiots and this why we are where we are now. everyone will be able to travel soon but at this rate most likely no other countries will accept canucks, lol.
I know a guy in the hospital with blood clots from the vaccine, he is not doing well at the moment.

I don’t know anyone that had to be hospitalized from Covid

Through 3 degrees of separation I know of one lady that died from it, she was 100 years old.
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