commercial crabbers in Port Renfrew


Well-Known Member
I was up there a couple weeks ago. A guy from the village was in the store telling all who listened that the three crab boats were Vietnamese and they were taking females and undersized. At the Marina I was told they have a bad reputation all along the coast. Anyone know if DFO ever checks operations like this? They have butchered the PR Bay on crab.
I have been thinking the same thing off the fraser. It's been about 8 weeks I think since the commerical opening started. That weekend there wasn't a legal crap in any of my pots. Yet on sunday there where still a bunch of traps out there right in the middle of some prime sport fishing areas. How can they possibly still be catching legal crabs?
I was up there a couple weeks ago. A guy from the village was in the store telling all who listened that the three crab boats were Vietnamese and they were taking females and undersized. At the Marina I was told they have a bad reputation all along the coast. Anyone know if DFO ever checks operations like this? They have butchered the PR Bay on crab.

What would they be able to do with females?crabbing has defiantly not been the same since they showed up. Wonder if they are ever going to leave
Welcome to our world. They have devastated our crab fishery and now they are moving in on yours.

Sorry to hear that
Something has got to be done about this.

All the time now there are posts about some faction pillaging the ocean resources for their own greed.

If it isn't crabs it's rockfish, if it isn't rockfish it's coho. If it isn't coho it's clams (they're driving up from Victoria to rake the beaches clean out front of French creek).

Without being racist, it's odd how the offenders always seem to be Chinese or VietNamese. (As is the case out front of F.C.......before that they were trying to clean out Qualicum Beach)

Just as bad on the mainland coast around Vancouver (for clams and fish and crabs).

DFO responds with "we just don't have the people". Which is true-----thank you very much Stephen Harper.

Mr.Harper:- in your next speech , refrain from gushing forth about what a blessed country this is and and how we should be proud Canadians for future generations. Because the way things are going, thanks to you, there won't be anything for future generations to enjoy.

Don't bother trying to talk to me personally, Stephen. If you do, I will just respond with " Haaah?? no speak understand.......whaaa???............Haaah?"
This all started WAY before Harper got into power, just sayin.

Blame Trudeau
Seafever; said:
Without being racist, it's odd how the offenders always seem to be Chinese or VietNamese. (As is the case out front of F.C.......before that they were trying to clean out Qualicum Beach)

It's funny, I notice that too. But every time I say something with 'I don't mean to sound racist, but ........'

I actually end up sounding racist. No disrespect to you Seafever or anyone, but I am starting to wonder if the poachers need some environmental sensitivity and cultural diversity training?
It's funny, I notice that too. But every time I say something with 'I don't mean to sound racist, but ........'

I actually end up sounding racist. No disrespect to you Seafever or anyone, but I am starting to wonder if the poachers need some environmental sensitivity and cultural diversity training?

They were supposed to get that when they moved here. Just sayin'.

Join the commercial site that DFO has out there (it's free by the way). You would find it interesting who holds most of the licenses for the smaller operations on the coast. Just look at the names. I'm sure it's the same as any sector. The bad apples always spoil it for the rest of them.
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We are having a hell of a time in sooke as well they put there traps in the channel so you have bouys everywhere spots like muir and sheringham are littered with there floats guys are constantlly running into them with gear as they have set them right in prime spots...... saw them go out with about 20 on the boat jigging for cod the other day.... not good!!!!

I am sorry but anyone using the "no speak English" line when caught poaching crab ,rockfish,lingcod or salmon should be deported...i am not racist i am a realist and this is a REAL problem, go rape and pillage your own shores! there is a long process in which a immigrant must learn the history of Canada and be tested on it before they become a citizen, maybe Ottawa needs to start adding fishing regulation questions to the test!:mad:
Just take photos, videos, record boat names, reg #'s, etc. and report it as poaching via O.R.R.

Put this # on your phone and report them when you see them - 1-800-465-4336

With DFO enforcement cut back so much it is up to us to help stop this!!!

Help to protect our Fisheries Resource

1-800-465-4336 or in Greater Vancouver: 604-607-4186
An important goal of enforcement is the prevention of violations before damage is done. The watchful eyes of everyone can provide a strong deterrent to potential violators and stop offences before they happen.

Some common violations are:

  • exceeding the daily limit
  • fishing in a closed area
  • using illegal gear
  • damage to fish habitat and pollution


Carry a pencil and record your observations

  • Date, time and location (e.g.: nearest town, fishing location)
  • Identity or description of violators (e.g.: height, weight, hair colour)
  • Boat or vehicle description (e.g.: licence, colour, make)
  • Evidence at the scene
  • Action of violator(s)
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Nobody that posted here is a racist, and that's fine if you chose to think that, maybe you need to do a little research..before you start calling people unintelligent & racist,Or maybe you think taking home a cooler with 33 rock fish is okay?, or snapping pinchers off undersized crab and throwing them back is okay too ? taking home undersized lingcod from a rock fish conservation area okay? Open you eyes bud or turn blindly away and think it's not happening. it's your call. rapp_logo.gif
I left Renfrew a week ago and most of the traps were out of the bay, but a huge number were located near the can buoy. Hard to fish that area as you need to constantly be on the look out. Most are marked with big blue or orange floats, but a few are extremely difficult to see. Traps run up towards camper and down past lighthouse. Was told that they were sold the license by the local FN, not sure how that works, or if it is true. . Also was told that some may be pawning. (?), is that possible out there? The crabbing has been extremely slow this summer, lots of females and small crabs. Been quite a few disappearing traps as well, I have lost two, one brand new. Kind of a bummer summer for crabbing.