Wired lines Vs Wirless - pro's and cons



...yeeesh, these days with all the good plans available for wireless phones, I am thinking about dropping my wired line - I really don't use it like I used to...you know long distence, faxing, internet etc...

I switched my internet to Shaw, my TV to Bell satellite, and lately after my long time Telus cellular contract ended a few months back, we switched to the best cell contract that I have ever received in my entire life thru another carrier.[of which I am sworn to secrecy! The deal is too hot!]

Needless to say, I have .05 cents any time minutes Canada wide long distence, 250 minutes voice and an awesome data plan for one very low monthy rate...so low, that I peomised not to spill the beans to anyone.

...anyhoo - I am thinking of dropping our land line in favor of becoming a wireless family - always in touch via voice, text, email, web, voice messaging...blah, blah, blah. The new Blackberry is cool too, not only for it's voice and web features...but it acts as a mass storage[like a spare hard drive] for pix, video and audio - it is an awesome mp3 player, has a camera and video function as well as many organizational tools, and much, much more...it is down right awesome!

What are your thoughts on going totally wireless for communications rather than carying the added expense of using all the options of lifes conveniences. Am I saving money? Long and the short of it - Yes!

What are the rest of the pro's and con's in your view?

RVP. ;)
We tried going wireless and it's all good until you apply for some type of credit. You need a civic address with a valid phone number or theres no approval. Couldn't figure out why there was no approval for some MC I applied for, and even when I called the 800 number they wouldn't tell me that that was the cause...
Not that anyone needs MORE credit these days:D

I've been contemplating going totally wireless as well, it seems stupid to come home and put your cell phone down next to the land line. My Telus contract has just expired and I'm waiting till summer to find another replacement carrier, with the new regulations I'm betting the prices will come way down. Not sure about how it would affect my credit, I must ask my friendly banker
...your credit is proven by history - little or no history the harder it is to get credit. Millions of people secure new credit daily while owning or renting a mobile phone.

Anyone got any other pro's or con's to going totally mobile?? Thanks for the imput!

RVP. ;)
The long term plans of the big 2 phone companies, Telus and Bell, are to be mainly wireless in the future. They are spending more time and money on their wireless infrastructure and less on wired. Many younger adult couples have dropped the land line and only use wireless in their place of residence. It may not be in our life time but I would think that wireless will be the norm at some point. At some point the business world will have to recognize progress, like applying for credit and catch up to the times.
I havent had a land line for years, got tired of paying for 2 phones when everyone always called me on my cell anyways(even when sitting beside landline), i spent a bit more on my cell plan , but overall i am spending less with just the one phone, and it is always with me, and local calls are any where chemanius to vic for me( i live in vic).I have a great plan with telus and looked around for better plans before but never found one, mind you i dont make many long distance calls, my mom has that shaw digital phone and is quite happy with the price, she makes lots of over seas calls, that is all the info i can offer
good luck in your search
Don't be sucked in by Bell's prices.
Good ain't cheap and cheap ain't good.

I tried Bell for my cell and my 2 work partners. After trying every phone they had and 28 days of trial period we had to cancel. The reception was terrible and lots of dead zones and dropped calls. Another friends company is finding the same thing. I am with Telus now until my contract ends and then will look at Rogers.

the only con I see is it is pretty hard to drop your hardline telephone in the drink while netting that chinook!Five cent anytime minutes?Curse your tight lips!:D
quote:Originally posted by Hoochiebob

the only con I see is it is pretty hard to drop your hardline telephone in the drink while netting that chinook!Five cent anytime minutes?Curse your tight lips!:D
Dont remind me! i lost 2 new cellphones and an ipod this summer while fishing and leaning over the boat with it in my chest pockets. Youd think i would have learned. Another cellphone of my buddies bit the bullet on the boat falling in the water. CELLS DONT MIX WITH FISHIN
We have been wireless for about 3 years and would never go back to a land line.I live in Nanaimo and all my friends or family live from Duncan to Qualicum so no long distance calls.