Wheres the COHO?


Active Member
Prior to my relocating to the Sooke area,2000, I recall fishing the region July,August. At that time Coho were here. Now a Coho is rare.
I ask where are they as Sept is approaching. I see on the board where Coho are being caught elsewhere.
Maybe the WOLF and others could provide a answer for me. i.e, is it a concern or has it changed where their migration is later?
Thanks from the concerned OTTER
i think it's still a little early for coho....
prime coho season seems to be the first 2 weeks of October
in Sooke area. Give it time, they'll show up [8D]
I had 2 Coho at Otter this past Saturday afternoon. One small..about 4 lbs, the other a beauty about 12 lbs. Both wild...so back they went!
We had a nice 12lb. wild Coho as well at Otter on Sunday. Beutifull fish, it was nice to see and nice to see it swim away un harmed to go spawn.
sheet load out at uculet
Was there mon and tue
we musta hooked a ton of em lost count of the wild ones we realesed more than 20 I'd say just used the gaff to pop the hook out never touched em plop back they went.
got our limit on the hatchery ones though. nice all over 10 lbs some in the mid teens