Vote for seal cull in Puntledge-do it today!!


Well-Known Member
I thought I would cross post this here because; well it might get more attention.
This is for everyone to vote on.
If we can make it happen on the Puntledge then it will be easier for other river systems to getter done. So join the Comox Valley Seal Club and vote

quote:Originally posted by h-core

A cut and paste from an email.....

I imagine you have read the editorial in Friday's Record, P.A32 on the subject of seal predation on salmon. This follows on last week's piece involving an interview with Larry Peterson. There have also been radio interviews and articles in other papers. However, I missed the small box underneath which invites us to vote on " should seals be culled to protect Puntledge River salmon stocks". Larry Peterson missed it also, and he is the lead on this issue for the Puntledge River Restoration Society and the Fish and Game Conservation Committee. I have to wonder how many others, who have strong opinions on this issue, have also missed it. It is important since, if the poll comes in overwhelmingly in favour of a cull, then we (Puntledge River Restoration Committee) will present the numbers to DFO in Ottawa and to the Prime Minister's Office, and anywhere else we can think of, and this might be enough to get action from DFO. Currently, although the Minister has written many times that she " sees no problem with the removal of problem seals", in reality DFO evades, stalls and delays, i.e. does nothing, and the endangered summer chinook and steehead, for a start, are facing extinction. If the vote is not overwhelmingly in favour, or demonstrates apathy, we might as well all quit trying. That would include the BCWF Executive, who have also been very active on this issue, here and elsewhere. This vote will have ramifications elsewhere.

The problem is that many might have missed the invitation to vote, or got caught up in the long weekend, and I suppose the deadline for voting is Wednesday. I will contact members of various organizations that are in favour of a cull- Steelhead Society, Puntledge River Restoration Society, and the Environmental Council which has written to the various ministers many times calling for a cull for environmental reasons. I will basically remind them to vote.

P.S. Since writing this I have tried to cast my own vote, but was unable to do it because the guides were not clear on the website. What one has to do is :
1) Go to the website
2) There are no mentions of a poll on the pages that come up, but choose the first item Comox Valley Record-Comox Valley Record and click on that. It seems to be about news and obits.
3) Scroll down and at the bottom one finds the poll. It is easy after that.
I'm in! Pass this on to anyone you know in the valley that cares about the Puntledge River trout, steelhead and salmon runs. This is our chance to help this river system out.
Already done and it was on MY hit list in windows mail!!
