URGENT -- West Van Meeting Moved!

I am concerned that this was in the local paper with the old library location and anglers will be mislead and turn up at the library. At the least there should be notifications at the Library providing the correct address.

You can bet those opposed to fairness and advancing the interests of the slipper skippers at the expense of Anglers and the BC Economy have been advised of the new location.
So what happened?????

It was a well attended meeting with a predominantly sportfishing sector representation.

Well run and everyone got to (once again) state their positions.

The MP gave the impression of listening and learning-he's not afraid to say he needs to get up to speed and that's what the meeting was all about.

Martin Paish in particular-whom I know from long ago-spoke eloquently about the frustration felt by the sportfishing sector.

No promises were made but as I said the MP was there to listen and he did.

One interesting thing he said-he heard that sporties thought the time was chosen to thwart their attending since so many work days-commercials thought is was chosen to thwart their attending since it's the opening of the Herring roe fishery.

Personally I learned a little-a guy from the commercial sector spoke about Halibut bycatch in the Alaska trawl fishery-something like a million pounds of small fish-which impacts the Canadian allocation and throws a lot of things out of whack.

So who's Ox is being gored the worst?-there are no easy answers!