Unwin Lake

Steelhead S2

Active Member
Anyone fished this (these?) lakes? I wet a line once or twice as a little guy cruising with my grandparents. I remember seeing fish in there, and there was lots of action when I hurled out a nugget of cheddar on a salmon hook, connected to a mooching rig. I've always thought it would be a great place to visit in the Spring, with a canoe and trout gear. Now my buddy and I are turning our minds to a Springtime adventure before he heads out for prawn season, and I'm thinking it might be time to visit the lake. So, thoughts?
Fished there many times. Late may or early June would be good. Lots of lamprey eels stuck to the bigger ones, it's interesting. Must be lots of feed in that lake.
Haven't fished it personally but have heard great reports form those that have. Most fish it in the early spring.
We used to run a 12 footer up from okeover and carry it up the trail. Good times. About due for another trip. Came into Westview one time and the fisheries guy was abit confused looking at the cutties.
Lamprays, eh? Never seen them in the fresh, but I know they are. Well, this sounds like a good trip. Next decision: big boat or camp. I'm thinking camp.
Campsites are nice. I was up there in August. No fishing just in for a swim. Dragging a canoe sounds a lot better than packing in a 12' aluminum. We are not as young as we once were! From what I remember lots of action in the 2-3 lb range. Should be a great trip.
we often come up there for a week in summer and camp in Tenedos Bay, what a beauty spot that whole area is... we swim there each night for a bath, often wondered how it would be for fishing... have fun!
There's a trail on the north side of the first lake that leads into goose lake. First place I saw a snake eat a frog. Lots of 14-16 inchers.
I fished this lake about 4-5 years ago now from shore, landed a 19 and 21 inch cutthroat. Another guy out that day landed over a dozen 20+ inch cutthroat out on a float tube. Wish I still had my boat to make another trip out there.