Try this, it's wild.

Dave S

Active Member

1. Stare at the red dot on the girl’s nose for 30 seconds
2. Turn your eyes towards the wall/roof or somewhere else on a plain surface
3. Keep blinking your eyes quickly!
4. What can you see?

ps, i don't know if it will work for guys with "old" eyes. also can't imagine this is very good for your eyes but crazy and cool. try it.
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Wow that is so weird. Doubt that it would be hard on your eyes. The whole square image with the face in the middle drifts off to the right. Bizzare!
me brain works in funny ways
Very cool..... interesting what the brain 'sees'.
I wonder if it's the same principle as a tv that if left on a single image long enough, will "burn" the image into the screen. it's crazy **** thats for sure.