To the poachers at Tadgis Lake


New Member
I would just like to thank you personally for showing such sportsmanship and conservation might I add, on Tadgis lake today. My buddy and I pulled up to the lake around 3-oclock to see if any fish were rising and you two fine examples of human beings had just beached your aluminum boat. I must admit i was impressed with your red mid 90's honda civic wagon and its ability to car top that beautiful welded boat you had purchased from the Camosun College fabricators program. You both were sporting smiles and why not, 10 bonked rainbows on gang-trolls and spoons isn't half bad for a day on a fly fishing only lake with a catch limit of one each. You are the kind of parasites that ruin these trophy lakes for the rest of us. Just because you offered my buddy and I fish doesn't make it right and whats worse you even bragged about catching them on gear... It's a shame that we don't have more enforcement out there, here's hoping reporting you will maybe make a difference. The RAPP line was pleased I took your license plate # down. I guess you figured being from Victoria meant you could get away with it not being a local and all. I happen to live and work in Vic myself and had the misfortune of following you two leeches home. Pls report poaches, it seems some are bent on pillaging and destroying this beautiful fishery we have in the valley.

If you happen to run into these two fellows up at Tadgis, Lois, or Pete's give them my regards.
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Steely I highly encourage you to send your info to the Duncan C.O. Wish you had taken a picture of their catch with them smiling. Just recently, Petes Pond a great little alpine lake with natural rainbows was poached badly by low life's, maybe the same people because it is just down the road a ways. It is our obligation to protect our fish and wildlife against the low number of these type of people. Just dial RAPP anytime to report poachers.
I called the RAPP line and reported it. Sad thing is they're likely to get away with it even with a license plate. Its a game if he said she said and without the CO catching them red handed or me taking a video. Here's hoping they become local celebrities.
Should of pulled there valve stems

What a cowardly, if not criminal act that would be. No better than the poachers. If you feel you have to do something confrontational do it to their faces.

Imagine if one disabled the wrong vehicle or stranded someone who may not be prepared to hike out or deal with staying overnight. Dumb.
I saw these guys through the winter and was not a fan of there driving habits, if I had known they were also poaching I would have told the gate attendant not to let them go in anymore, I saw them up at petes a few times and at Lois recently.

The new mobile patrol security was touring through Duncan at noon today while the gate is open, lame. The enviroment and public is going to suffer with the changes Timberwest thought they had to make with the gate its a shame I would hate to lose access to the fishery. I know enforcing fishing regulations is not really there concern but when people are willing to break rules like that what other sort of moral values do you think they have to stop them from doing something else just as stupid and ignorant up there.

Anyway its on us the people who use the resource to self police more then ever up there, I saw a couple CO in the alberni area this weekend it was nice to see some sort of presence, but they can not be everywhere we need to call out on the spot take pictures and report the people who are ruining the resource and the access to these backroad recreation areas.

Good on you Steely for doing your part its a shame you didn't get there earlier.
Thanks for the info, steelydreamer. I've seen them bombing down the road before. I was there 2 Sundays ago, I believe they headed to Wild Deer. I will keep an eye out for them, and if I see them, explain that everyone is on to them. Maybe that will curb their appetite for destruction. I wonder how many they've taken this year, sounds like they are there every weekend and love eating trout every day of the week.

I fish those lakes a lot, usually by myself. I love it out there, especially given how few quality lakes there are on the south island. I'm asking the others on this forum, what would you do, when you're alone in the backwoods, you see someone obviously breaking the law? I'd want to stop them, give them hell, take photos and gather evidence, but what's to stop them from trashing my car or me? When you're alone and faced with people who already feel comfortable breaking the law, what's to stop them from break it again and taking it out on me? You never know.
Fair question, there's a reason why COs are armed same as cops.
Maybe wait at the gate for them ... follow them up the road a lil bit ...then have a talk with them ...winks
Good news, the CO's were stopping vehicles back there today, they also asked about the red civic, if it was around today. They have added that area to there routine check now.
That's good to hear, word travels on this site. I'm not sure what I would do if I see them again. I'm sure they were scared off and wont be back in that vehicle any time soon. PM me with a description of them just so I "talk" to the right guys.

PS the plate is still on the other site.

That's good to hear, word travels on this site. I'm not sure what I would do if I see them again. I'm sure they were scared off and wont be back in that vehicle any time soon. PM me with a description of them just so I "talk" to the right guys.

PS the plate is still on the other site.
