The Vote: Seeing 'Eye-to-eye'

Little Hawk

Active Member
Got another note from Rafe this morning and with all due respect to the democratic process and the joy of living in a free country with a free vote, I have to say that this man and myself are - ON THE SAME PAGE!

As he points out, some things will continue to be issues during every election, but some things - equally precious to all of us - are worth saving because once they are gone... they are gone!


(Please pass on)

Just a short note to tell readers why I haven't said who I will vote for. To some this is part of my obligation as a commentator on political matters.

I don't take the position that it's nobody's business but my own, though it is that. My reason has been stated but let me do so again.

For me the essential issue for British Columbia is the joint issues of the
environment, public power and our wild salmon.

This is not to say that health, education, unemployment and other social
questions aren't important for they are. What is also true is that these are always issues, every political party has it\s own version of the issues and how to solve them - and they never get solved but return every election.

The issues I refer to are critical for all British Columbians and will not
last for another 3-5 years because it will be too late.

We stand to lose our sacred salmon, the soul of our province because of
deliberate acts, politically directed of the Department of Fisheries and
Oceans. For example. the Federal Fisheries minister goes to all major fish
farm conferences pleading with them for more fish farms in BC!

Every private power project ruins, permanently, one more river with our
power going out of province.

Every private power project is one more nail in BC Hydro"s coffin.

The federal government plays a role in this destruction and in my riding,
Tory MP John Weston not only supports private energy projects has obtained
federal funding, our tax dollars, to help Plutonic Power (General Electric
in drag) desecrate our environment to make power for out of province
customers, not for British Columbians..

Elections should not be just about political parties or whether one likes a certain candidate over another - it's about, and okften mainly about stopping bad and in this case evil policy. We're sure as hell not going to do that by voting Tory.

My vote goes to the candidate with the best chance of defeating the
Conservatives. No more complicated than that and I urge others to do the

thanks,, this may have helped with my decision.