The Official hijack thread...thread

Work a 17.5 hour shift come home and this is what I find!

Found out I already have a 3 rods for normal trout. Would a normal trout rod with a jughead work for tuna? Should I use it with a normal reel or put a pin on it?
Neither, Brad Marchand
Brad Marchand is up there...... This guy....

I was showing Gypsyking how big the fish box was on my Grady and his girlfriend climbed into it
Now I cant get the smell out
any ideas
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What the hell are "beergoggles"?

I've heard of those but think I would rather just not know....

I was showing Gypsyking how big the fish box was on my Grady and his girlfriend climbed into it
Now I cant get the smell out
any ideas

Sink it with the ELF tug that sank in Squamish....and then 2 days later off Point Atkinson.

Let the prawns clean er out.
Lippy:- What the !!6%%#*&&???????......that looks like my ex-wife in that pic......

Damn dude and you are asking about beer goggles???
DFO add's to global warming with Hali reg's ! 1 per day !! Half to burn $200. in fuel six times for yearly limit ! instead of 3 trips at 2 fish per day !!!!!
First world problems.... believe it or not I have never even caught one of them flat bellied bastards...hopefully this is my year.. tyee and some chicken of the sea.. that's my goal this year...:cool:
What the hell are "beergoggles"?

"Beer goggles" is a slang term for the phenomenon in which consumption of alcohol lowers sexual inhibitions to the point that very little or no discretion is used when approaching or choosing sexual partners. The term is often humorously applied when an individual is observed making, or later regretting, advances towards a partner who would be deemed unattractive or inappropriate when sober. The "beer goggles" are considered to have distorted the "wearer's" vision, making unattractive people appear beautiful, or at least passably attractive
Yes...Pink is now Metro-sexual.......

Lipp:- when I first met her she looked like Marylin Monroe.....

but then she became addicted to Poutine......
seafever I heard your interpretation of a 10 was a six pack and a 4
Lipp:- when I first met her she looked like Marylin Monroe.....

but then she became addicted to Poutine......

Marriage is a hell of a drug
Hey FA...who're you playing?.... "Tattoo" on Fantasy Island.....?

and speaking of tattoos, has anyone seen that "reality" show Bad Ink on TV? after watching that I'm thinking all these reality shows are not that real any more....