Tell Your Best Joke

Twin sisters in a Newfoundland nursing home were turning one hundred years old. The editor of the local newspaper sent a photographer over to take pictures of the 100 year old twins. One of the twins was hard of hearing but the other one could hear quite well. Once the photographer arrived, he asked the sisters to sit on the sofa.
The deaf sister says to her twin, " WHAT DID HE SAY? "
" WE HAVE TO...... SIT OVER THERE ON THE SOFA. " The other replied.
" Now, get a little closer. " said the camerman.
Again, " WHAT DID HE SAY? "
" Just hold on just a little longer, I've got to focus."
Yet again, " WHAT DID HE SAY? "
With a big grin, the deaf one said, " OH MY GOD! - THE BOTH OF US?
Two nuns went to shop at the market. They were taking so long so one said
- Sister Mary it is getting dark and we are so far away from the convent.
- I know Sister Rose but there is a man following us.
- Oh! What does he want.
- To rape us.
- What can we do.
- Let's separate. You go left and I will go right.
- He followed Sister Rose.
- Sister Mary reached the convent and was worried.
- After an hour Sister Rose appeared.
- What happed?
- I started to run and so did he.
- And then?
- He caught up with me.
- Oh my God. And what did you do.
- I lifted up my dress.
- Sister! And what did he do.
- Dropped his pants.
- And then?
- Its obvious isn't it.
- A nun with her dress lifted up can run faster than a man with his pants down.
If you thought of a different ending
Pray 188 Hail Marys and 320 Our Fathers and ask God to clean your filthy mind.
And Don't send this back to me as I am still praying!!..