Starting my Main requires me to turn off GPS system, why??

I've done it on my last two boats and would never be without one again. Not complicated -- wires very similar to an MBSS switch. They have a good online manual that describe how it's done. Takes a few hours -- most of the time is spent cleaning up the old wiring.

Here are the instructions and application notes:

ote that they have an application note on overcoming dropout of house electronics during startup.

Some good pics of an ACR install on the Striper Owner's Club website. That's where I got the advice to install mine.
Not sure if anyone else mentioned it. You may have a going green main power supply from the batteries up to your forward panel. This would create lots of resistance and loss of the amps required to run everything. BTW the wiring up front has nothing to do with the heavy draw from the starter. Your key only activates the solenoid, which sends power to the starter. The starter gets its power from your heavy gauge cables that come off the battery (s) themselves. Having your electronics go down from turning the key therefore means one of 3 things, the batteries are hooped, the main wire to the front panel is bad or your starter is bad and there is resistance coming from the starter putting a large draw on the batteries.
Start with the basics, isolate the batteries and test seporate, I think canadian tire checks batts. for free.
clean all terminals.